Digital events in Moscow from March 30 to April 5

Weekly selection


#StayHomeClub Meetup

  • March 30 (Monday)
  • online
  • is free
  • Mitap about the organization of remote work in the company from the specialized recruitment agency Spice IT. Of course, in an online format. We stay at home.
    Experts who have long (and successfully) been working with distributed teams will share knowledge and life hacks.

How long will this economic crisis last? at bellclub

  • March 31 (Tuesday)
  • online
  • 8 500 p.
  • We will discuss what awaits the Russian and world economies. 

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IT- fintech-:

  • 31 ()
  • 31 -, ,  IT- fintech-.

NX QA Meetup #12: -

  • 31 ()
  • , pull request`. , Postman.

T#Lecture -.

  • 31 ()
  • , IT- . , , , 3D-, , – , . . - .

-: “SMM FMCG. Social Media ”

  • 02 ()
  • 2 10:00 Migel Agency - «SMM FMCG. Social Media » -, , FMCG-.

FMCG- . FMCG-. . digital, , , - .

Migel Agency , FMCG- , , Digital PR FMCG.


Marketing & ML MeetUp'20

  • April 03 (Friday)
  • online
  • is free
  • The third annual MeetUp on the use of
    AI & BigData in marketing will be held in an online format.

Specialists in Machine Learning, Artificial intelligence, marketing automation will talk about the latest in the field, about solving non-trivial tasks and how to apply it in business.

MeetUp'20 will be useful:

  • for technicians
  • for marketers

Hackathon EcoHack 2020

  • April 03 (Friday) - April 05 (Sunday)
  • online
  • is free
  • The main focus of the Hackathon Eco Hack 2020 is Ecology. Participants have to solve interesting problems in the field of environmental monitoring and separate waste collection.

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