What the publisher’s blog tells about the trends of the IT community

imagePublisher Peter has long and actively been blogging on Habré. Of course, this is an important channel for promoting our computer literature. However, we are not limited to advertising purposes and carefully monitor domestic technological trends. I suggest you look at the habra community from the point of view of the book publisher. In this case - not an example of the most read corporate blog posts for March 2019 - March 2020. If you like it, next time we’ll do it from a different angle: based on readers' bookmarks.

I did not begin to cunning with a criterion of selection of posts. I took the threshold of 15 thousand views proposed by the hubr to get into the green zone "excellent". Over the previous 12 months, 14 posts have stepped over the mark. I will list them, briefly introduce them to their contents, thoughts and facts about this. We will go from new to old.

CES 2020, IBM and the first true commercial use of the new quantum computer

15.6 thousand views, 67 bookmarks

My author material for the next successes of IBM, which is currently the locomotive of the creation and implementation of quantum computing. Here, a pre-order of the book " Development Using Quantum Computers " was announced , which was almost sold out (several dozen copies remained in the warehouse). Both the post and the book lived up to our expectations and predictions: quantum computing has successfully moved from the field of promises and breakfasts to early use. The Russian-speaking IT sector was the first, with the exception of Anglophones, to receive and will continue to receive systematic information in order to “occupy slippers”. And our readers take this opportunity.

The book "The Way of Python. Black belt for development, scaling, testing and deployment ”

17.4 thousand views, 146 bookmarks

Announcement of a good book by the good publisher No Starch Press in the popular Python language . Actually, what could have gone wrong here? But the start is good, the Python is popular, there are a lot of people who want to improve their skills. Comments are redundant.

Come and pick up books in English

15.7 thousand views, 18 bookmarks The

Russian proverb says: one move is equal to two fires. Well, we did without disasters. At the end of summer, our editorial staff moved to another room, which means that the library of originals of the books licensed by us also moved. I explain: most publishers send licensees not only text and book layout files, but also 1-3 copies in paper. They, as a reference source, can be used by the editor and layout designer. Naturally, some time after the publication, we need only one copy, just in case. Another 1-2 just take up space on the shelf. Upon moving, we put aside several boxes of unclaimed English-language originals and decided to give them to those who need them.

Conclusion: English-language literature is really in demand, at least for nothing.

The book "Kali Linux. Penetration and Security Testing

18.2 thousand views, 155 bookmarks.

There is an opinion that our people have gone through a lot, and therefore tend to ignore security threats. Well, cybersecurity is less concerned. Not only the publication aroused interest, but the book itself had already managed to be printed. A worthy continuation among our publications on Linux in general, Kali Linux in particular and security in general . We have a novelty not yet announced on the hub: Bash and cybersecurity: attack, protection and analysis from the Linux command line . There will be others. You need it, we see and do it.

The book "Grok deep learning"

17.6 thousand views, 150 bookmarks The

continuation of the already legendary bestseller Grokay algorithms (144 thousand views, for a second!) Aroused the expected interest. We are already preparing new samples of basic literature in various fields, laced with good illustrations. This applies not only to the new books of the Grokay series. In general, we noticed an interest in increasing the share of visual forms. However, we have a big question for readers - do you need colored books? Full-color printing significantly increases the price tag in the printing house. Does willingness to pay for their improved appearance and perception follow the general demand for illustrations? Tell us when a rise in price in favor of color is guaranteed to be in demand.

The book "Kotlin. Programming for professionals "

15.5 thousand views, 77 bookmarks

Not so long ago, Google suggested using Kotlin as the main language for mobile developers. And we have already prepared and offer our readers the best that is on the market now. The book by Josh Skin and David Greenhall is based on the popular Kotlin Essentials course from Big Nerd Ranch . Readers accepted the novelty with optimism. Once again, it was confirmed that IT specialists are ready to learn and retrain, the market offers new languages ​​and technologies, which are based on competitiveness. We are ready to continue to pay attention to small languages, frameworks and technologies. While you want to study, we will supply you with materials. This applies to Go, Flutter, Rust, quantum computers, etc.

Tell us what promising areas we are missing and we will try to fix it.

The book "Microservices. Development and refactoring patterns »

24.7 thousand views, 109 bookmarks

One of the most successful new products in 2019. Not only received significant attention on Habré, but also good sales. This is not the first book about microservices, but the topic is now clearly on the rise. We are actively expanding the range, mainly due to all related issues, such as API and Kubernetes . Much more work and will be released a little later.

Self-documenting code is (usually) nonsense

26.4 thousand views, 105 bookmarks, 213 comments

The battle of the good and the best continues! A good holivar provides food for the mind. Khabravchians once again reminded that there is no unique right way to make something. We try to maintain a balance between books on the “right” methodology and pragmatic manuals.

Stop zealous with comments in code

22 thousand views, 121 bookmarks, 193 comments

Previous holivar on the same topic. The conclusions are general.

Unity: an endless procedurally generated city obtained using the WFC algorithm (wave function collapse)

18.7 thousand views, 241 bookmarks

Interesting material about the possibilities of procedural generation of content (in this case, locations) in game dev. Despite the very good statistics of the post - the comments were mixed. I have in mind the literature on procedural generation in game dev. I will ask the question directly: do our readers need such a book?

Is the book “Java Concurrency in Practice” relevant in the days of Java 8 and 11?

15.6 thousand views, 84 bookmarks

Every time we look at an already “old” but good book, doubt awakens in us - is it not out of date? Is it worth the risk? Of course, only potential readers will give the best answer. To date, the book has already been published .

We also published the “ Modern Java Language. Lambda Expressions, Streams, and Functional Programming . ”

In which cases it is worth using Django (and in which it is not necessary)

20.4 thousand views, 115 bookmarks

Who would not talk about the disadvantages of Django and the benefits of alternative web frameworks, but the numbers speak for themselves. The patient is more likely alive, vacancies at hh several hundred. Learning from scratch is a reasonable investment - a moot point. However, it does not seem that in a year all this will turn into a pumpkin.

Agile: the biggest ideological issue in IT

18.3 thousand views, 69 bookmarks

The theme of management and development methodology is very complex and controversial. On the one hand, the very obvious “do it right - it will be normal”, on the other hand, the need for control and planning. Systems of varying degrees of utility are born and mutate, but obviously Agile is the one that has the greatest impact on the industry.

The book “Perfect Algorithm. The Basics

18.6 thousand views, 153 bookmarks

One of the basic books of modern IT literature. Well-known Tim Rafgarden and his book series. Once again, you confirm the demand for good books by good authors, even if we are talking about the basics , in principle, to all familiar. By the way, the novelty of the series has just been released: “The perfect algorithm. Greedy algorithms and dynamic programming . ”

Share your opinion, talk about missed trends and unmet demand. You can send your suggestions and manuscripts to the editors at comp@piter.com or to me at david@piter.com

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