The maintainer of the most popular JS library was sentenced to imprisonment for a fatal accident due to his fault

At TestMace , we are actively monitoring the fate of projects significant to the js community, in particular core-js. And, in our opinion, the resonant event described in the article did not receive proper coverage on the hub Well, we decided to fix this matter and publish a translation of an article that briefly conveys the essence of what is happening. Enjoy reading.

What will become of an open-source project on which so much depends?

2019 . core-js 18 , , .

, core-js, .

Core-js - JavaScript-, . — . npm 26 , , Apple. .

, GitHub zloirock, , , . , .

, core-js.

. , .

,  core-js — . , 13 2020 ., .

, GitHub slowcheetah. ( ), , . , .

JavaScript- jsrsasign: 2018 . , , , 350 npm- ( Microsoft Mozilla), jsrsasign.

 core-js  jsrsasign open-source , , . , , , - .

core-js , , left-pad 2016. , , . .

The Register senior product- GitHub , , . « , . », — .

« . , ».

, , "away" GitHub- .

Bolter made it clear that GitHub has all the necessary means to organize the transfer of ownership of the repository in case of illness of relatives, co-authors, colleagues and business partners. In his opinion, branching “abandoned” repositories is also a good solution. GitHub could theoretically backup the repository to preserve its original version.

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