The digest of fresh materials from the world of the front-end for the last week No. 408 (March 23 - 29, 2020)

We bring to your attention a selection with links to new materials from the frontend area and around it.

Media     |    Web Development     |    CSS     |    Javascript     |    Browsers


podcast Podcast "Web Standards" No. 223. Safari, third cookies and your vaults, Prettier, quick images, old tricks, auto in CSS
podcast CSSSR podcast: News 512 - Angular 9.1, Prettier 2.0, CSS auto, practice pure JS and learn quarantine
podcast UnderJS Podcast No. 18 - Yarn2 and a bug of length ...
podcast Devshahta / Night frontend: Monitoring node.js using an interesting case study
podcast Podcast “Frontend Youth (18+)” No. 130: The first isolated
podcast Podcast “Web Standards” No. 222. GitHub and npm, iPad with cursor, URLs, sticky tables, User-Agent, layout of letters, close tags!
podcast video Repozitorro # 39 - Design and Front-end
podcast en The CSS Podcast 003: Specificity

Web development

habr Clean architecture for the front-end
habr New Google PageSpeed ​​Insights on the Lighthouse 6 (beta) engine: check what indicators your site will have
habr Methods of dealing with legacy-code on the example of GitLab
Front- end architecture: Core
en Automatically increasing inputs and text fields
en Modern image formats: using Webp in HTML and React
en Eliminating vulnerabilities in npm dependencies in less than 3 minutes
en How to use the Web Storage API
enFavicons: Emojis as a favicon , Lifehack by Chris Koyer: using another favicon for development
en Front-end RSS Feeds (2020 Edition)
en Bootstrap 5 refuses to support IE 10 and 11: what will we stay with?


habr CSS: a complete guide to the calc () function
Combinations in CSS: custom properties and :: selection
en Explanation of the specifics of CSS for the five-year period
en How to repeat text as a Background Image in CSS using element ()
en Indication of the scroll position on the page using CSS
en How to animate text using SVG and CSS
en Styling scrollbars using CSS: a modern way to design scrollbars


habr Inference of types in TypeScript using the as const construct and the keyword infer
habr New TypeScript features that enhance development convenience
habr Security cheat sheets: Nodejs
DIY habr 3D. Part 1: pixels and lines
The CoreJS project faced maintenance problems due to the author’s imprisonment
• The en 14 best JavaScript conferences to participate in 2020
en How to start unit testing JavaScript code
en How to use the latest JavaScript features in any browser
en VueJS vs. ReactJS : who will rule in 2020?
en How to control HTML DOM using vanilla JavaScript only?


habr Firefox introduces "only HTTPS" mode
In Chrome 83, a setting appears to display the full URL in the address bar
Google will skip the release of Chrome 82

We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicated links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal email, we try to quickly fix them.

Last week's digest .
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .

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