Finds of an audio man: where to listen to the music of bygone eras

We already wrote about various musical finds: sound cards and a tree of genres . Today we continue the topic - we are talking about services that allow you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of past years.

We hope that the selection will help you diversify the background while working from home.

Photo Csongor Schmutc / Unsplash


It contains music from different countries and eras (from 1900 to 2020). The site was developed by Benjamin Moreau (Benjamin Moreau) - one of the members of the group Polo & Pan . The idea came to him during a trip on an old Renault Caravelle 1966 release. Turning on the vintage radio, he heard the music and commercials of our days, so he decided to create an application that groups songs not by genre, but by release date - so that it is possible to create an appropriate atmosphere.

Screenshot: Radiooooo / Playing: “I'm Old Fashioned” composition by Noel Coward , popular in the 1940s Great Britain

The Radiooooo library is not the most extensive, but rather interesting. One of the residents of Hacker News in a thematic thread noticed that most of the tunes are missing from Apple Music and are not recognized by Shazam. At the same time, the list of songs is regularly updated by enthusiasts.

While listening, music can be sorted into three categories: fast, slow and “strange” compositions. For example, the last group included the work of Persona - --gua, which was listened to in the mid-70s in Brazil.

There are thematic playlists on the site - for example, with 8-bit music and soundtracks from old-school video games or very recent releases released on vinyl. The corresponding button is located in the upper left corner - called Islands Mode.

The resource is free, but to get access to all its chips, you need to register. Also on GitHub there is a small script with which you can start the service from the command line.


A platform with a collection of programs of the " Golden Age of Radio ". All materials are divided into 21 categories by genre: from comedies and soap operas to detective stories and Sci-Fi. In total, more than 96 thousand issues of various shows are presented on the site.

Screenshot: RadioEchoes / Episodes of the Batman radio show

, which aired in the 1950s. Here you can find out what news was broadcast by ABC News after the end of World War II, become a member of the Indy 500, which took place in 1949, and even listen to the adventures of the BBC " Doctors Who ." The site also has a search for the name of the broadcasts.

Vintage obscura

The resource that collects and streams music from the Reddit thread of the same name is / r / vintageobscura . This is a subreddit whose members are looking for interesting but strange compositions on YouTube. All songs were written more than 25 years ago, and their records have no more than 30 thousand views.

Screenshot: Vintage Obscura / Home page with freshly added songs

The site is simple - there are no filters for finding music. Only recently added songs are displayed on the page. Among them are Japanese folk , American soul and British jangle pop . The last group includes the composition of The Gift collective - “Crashing Down”.

Vintage Obscura is most conveniently used as a streaming service. The platform broadcasts all the music live . Playback history is reflected in the Twitter account .

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