Karmic indicators

I am doing research here on the topic of karmic indicators and their impact on efficiency, both in life and in work. So far, I really like the results.

The essence of the problem is the usual indicators: they are always put on a period and, regardless of the result, are subjected to indulgences (indulgence - forgiveness of sins).

For example, a monthly sales plan of 1 million rubles. If the seller works out for 800 thousand rubles, then he will probably be scolded a little, or they won’t say a word at all - in principle, 80% of the plan is not bad. Next month will fulfill 50% of the plan. And then - 120%. If they didn’t have time to fire him, they will praise him. Maybe they’ll even hang me on the board of honor. Although, if you look, in three months he completed 83% of the plan.

Indulgence occurs automatically, with the transition to a new reporting period. This is such a familiar thing that it easily slips through consciousness, generally not lingering in it.

The only thing that bothers at the moment of indulgence is that the last sin should not be so great as to be fired. Well, that is, if you fulfill 5% of the monthly plan, they can be kicked out. And if it slipped and the indulgence was discharged, you can go further.

Exactly the same situation with personal goals, even if you use all sorts of checklists. For example, I decided that I would read half an hour a day. Of course, as soon as I decided this, I’ll immediately get myself a beautiful notebook for notes and sit down to read. And tomorrow I will have no time. And the day after tomorrow I will remember, of course, that I didn’t read it the previous day, so it would be nice to catch up ... But again the indulgence will work, which I will write out for myself. As a result, I will postpone it for several days, then I still read it for half an hour, and, what is the worst, indulgence will also work - I will be sincerely convinced that I did everything as it should all week. Although I read it twice for half an hour, instead of seven times.

In the work, the influence of indulgence is generally dramatic. For example, a programmer has a plan for a month, and another 5-10 days remain. If the dynamics of the plan is normal, then you can live. If the programmer is behind, and much, then he gives up and stops doing anything at all, without a kick. Because it makes no sense to try - all the same, it will not have time to complete the plan, and indulgence will write off any result. Similarly, if the plan is almost complete. It does not make sense to overfull, so he will not try. Just tumble until the end of the month, wait for indulgence and begin a new life.

In this sense, the transition from period to period is not even similar to indulgence, but to reincarnation, or, as gamers say, respawn. If you still have 1% of your health, it’s easier to jump from a height to get closer respawn than to drag around and try to survive.

In short, if you remove the indulgence, it becomes much more interesting. Indicators must be made so that they never reset to zero. This is very similar to a loan obligation, such as a credit card or a communal apartment. If you want, you don’t want, but the debt runs up every day, and you have to pay it, and there will be no “write-off”.

By the way, the idea also came from there. Probably the only thing in life that cannot be dynamized and procrastinated is debt. Well, you can, of course, not give it on time, but you still have to give it away, and even with running fines. Everything else, one way or another, can be dynamized.

We take any indicator, and make it so that it is never reset. And at the same time - so that debt accumulates over it. For example, I want to read for half an hour a day - wonderful. Every day is plus half an hour of “debt." I read it - you write off the debt. Well, there is always some kind of balance, positive or negative.

Similarly at work. For my subordinates, for example, the plan grows every month. Only one person stably fulfills the plan, the rest is in the plus, then the minus. And I took and counted the indicator “Karma” for them - this is just an accumulated plan-fact, i.e. Fact minus Plan (so that a negative number signals a problem). And that’s it, beauty. You no longer have to worry about how the previous months went there. Before my eyes there is always one figure. If it is positive, then everything is fine. If it is negative, then it’s bad.

Actually, that's why I called these indicators karmic, because, roughly speaking, between reincarnations they follow a person. It remains to somehow untie the calculation of wages from monthly periods, because this also affects consciousness.

And the rating with the advent of karma immediately redrawn. Previously, it was taking into account indulgences, or, more simply, I remembered only the previous month. And now that's all, there’s no escape.
And in the most banal example - that same “reading for half an hour a day” - I reliably found out how much I was dodged myself, I did not fulfill my own plans. And the worst thing - I don’t even notice it.

While I made myself a simple automation, for accounting, and now I myself have to do everything on my own. I'm going to give.

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