The digest of interesting materials for the mobile # 338 developer (on March 23 - 29)

In our new collection for home reading, a quick transition to remote work, walking the Arduino rake, interface stories and code smell, the best publishers and grid calls. Take care of yourself!

How did you decide to take this step, what risks did you close and what difficulties did you face in the first week? We share our experience in this article.In my opinion, among all this, there is not enough simple and clear guide for beginner mobile developers. A guide in which the most important things that you need to understand when developing your product will be chewed.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And daily we send news in the Telegram channel .


(+15) Rake walking. Arduino
(+9)  What questions does Junior iOS ask the developer at the first interviews
Apple will postpone the launch of the new iPhone
Universal purchases have started in the App Store
ARKit 3.5 with support for the new iPad Pro has come out
The App Store will work in another 20 countries
Grids in the design of applications for iOS, or a challenge for perfectionist
CA Animation removed my fear of animation
Visualization of coronavirus on maps with SwiftUI and Combine
My journey through UI templates in the world of iOS
SwiftUI - why write so many custom Views for your best performance
Modern MVVM architecture for iOS with Combine and SwiftUI
SpriteKit basics in Swift
Apple views on splash screens
Ensuring iOS accessibility using SwiftUI and machine learning
Dark mode principles: RaiseMe theme iOS Dark Mode
What's new in Xcode 11.4?
Hover effect in SwiftUI
5 useful Swift extensions for use in your iOS application
Expanding transition to SwiftUI
SwiftUIAuthenticationCompleted: ready authentication on SwiftUI with Firebase
Handwritten Digit Recognition: handwriting recognition


(+16)  I - Android- a developer, and I didn’t like to keep working manually
(+6)  We deal with launchMode Android Activity: standard, singleTop, singleTask and singleInstance
Android Dev Podcast # 111: News. Android 11 Preview # 2. New Kotlin. Android Dev Virtual Meetup
Android the Broadcast # 10: Kaspresso
the Google introduces new tools for game developers
In searching Google Play appeared Downloads
Introduction to the Activity the Result the API
Securing a background application that Android is killing him
Stetho: best debugging tool for Android-applications
Interiors Android for rendering View
Reducing the size of an application in Microsoft SwiftKey
Exploring collections and sequences in Kotlin
Migrating to AndroidX: tips, tricks, and tricks
Optimizing Android builds for React Native
In-App Payments SDK Guide
Testing ViewModel LiveData
andColorPicker: choosing colors for Android
Foodium: food and tools


(+25)  Flutter. Part 5. For Xamarin.Forms developers
(+15)  How the interface tells stories in video games
(+15)  How mods for Unity games are developed. Part 1: integrate into the game code
(+13)  Personalized interface. Part 1. Pros and cons of the concept
(+11)  Progressive web applications. Guide to action
(+9)  There is no design in 1C UX / UI
(+9)  Storytelling in games - work not only for a screenwriter
(+6)  30 tips on UX in augmented reality
(+6)  4 best design patterns for automated testing (and 86 more)
(+4)  How to organize a mobile backend applications?
Podlodka # 156: Customer support
Unity Learn was free for 3 months
Unity launched a simulator for playtests
Each code has a special smell: 8 reasons why your code smells bad
Design rules: what to do if no one uses your function
Fundamentals of color in interface design
How to brainstorm with a new remote team
How to write code without errors
25 best extensions for VS Code
History of design changes for popular mobile applications
9 best game engines and JS libraries 2020

Analytics, marketing and monetization

MYTONA and InDriver donated to 45 million hospitals in Yakutia
Epic Games launches a game financing program
Hyper-casino games ranked 16 out of 20 places Tops of new games by downloads in 2019
Despite quarantine, Pokémon Go’s revenue grew
App Annie named the top publishers of the year Group will open a platform for measuring the visibility of ads in mobile applications
The Polish government launched online entertainment for students staying at home
10 non-trivial monetization metrics
How Battlelands Royale created one of the most active

AI mobile communities , Devices, IoT

(+31)  Define COVID-19 on X-rays using Keras, TensorFlow and deep learning
(+29)  How we taught artificial intelligence to answer support questions. Experience of Yandex.Taxi
Yandex will open a library of applications for working with AI
How to sanitize a smartphone
Fritz AI receives investments and launches its AI
Best Python libraries for machine and deep learning

Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or if you find a mistake, please send it to the mail .

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