Quartet 9: Allegro | Performance

When the quartet data validation library was created , the following landmarks were set:

In this article, I would like to consider performance quartetand its reasons.

An article on Brevity and Simplicity will be on April 4th.

We will explore this aspect in comparison between quartetand another much more popular ajv .

Hello world

We will write the simplest test - whether the value is the string "Hello World!".

In order to compare validation libraries, data is needed that we will validate. Accordingly, for this task we have such sets of valid and non-valid data.

const valids = ["Hello World!"];
const invalids = [null, false, undefined, "", 1, Infinity, "Hello World"];


As always, it all starts with import:

const Ajv = require("ajv");

Create an instance of the β€œcompiler”:

const ajv = new Ajv();

Ajv input accepts a validated type description in the form of a JSON scheme .

Let's create an appropriate scheme for our task.

const helloWorldSchema = {
  type: "string",
  enum: ["Hello World!"]

Next, it is necessary to "compile" the validation function, that is, from the circuit, obtain a function that will wait for input data, and return at the output true, if validation is successful, otherwise it will return false.

const ajvValidator = ajv.compile(helloWorldSchema);



, :

Ajv Build
661,639 ops/sec
354,725 ops/sec
628,443 ops/sec
659,900 ops/sec
557,037 ops/sec

: 572,349 ops/sec


for (let i = 0; i < valids.length; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < invalids.length; i++) {


Ajv Validation

21,452,228 ops/sec
 3,066,770 ops/sec
 4,522,850 ops/sec
 2,522,777 ops/sec
 2,741,310 ops/sec

: 6,861,187 ops/sec

β€” , .


Ρ” «»:

const { v } = require("quartet");


const quartetValidator = v("Hello World!");


Quartet 9: Allegro Build

6,019,078 ops/sec
3,893,780 ops/sec
2,712,363 ops/sec
5,926,415 ops/sec
2,729,369 ops/sec

: 4,256,201 ops/sec


for (let i = 0; i < valids.length; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < invalids.length; i++) {


Quartet 9: Allegro Validation

15,073,432 ops/sec
13,711,573 ops/sec
13,123,812 ops/sec
25,617,225 ops/sec
17,588,846 ops/sec

: 17,022,977 ops/sec







function (value) { return value === c; }

c β€” , .

. , , .

. API. , :

interface Person {
  id: number; //   
  name: string; //  
  phone: string | null; // null  12  
  phoneBook: {
    [name: string]: string; // 12  
  gender: "male" | "female";

const valids = [
    id: 1,
    name: "andrew",
    phone: "380975003434",
    phoneBook: {
      andrew: "380975003434",
      bohdan: "380975003434",
      vasilina: "380975003434"
    gender: "male"
    id: 2,
    name: "bohdan",
    phone: null,
    phoneBook: {},
    gender: "male"
    id: 3,
    name: "Elena",
    phone: null,
    phoneBook: {
      siroja: "380975003434"
    gender: "female"

const invalids = [
  null, //  
  false, //  
  undefined, //  
  "", //  
  1, //  
  Infinity, //  
  "Hello World", //  
    id: 0, //   
    name: "andrew",
    phone: "380975003434",
    phoneBook: {
      andrew: "380975003434",
      bohdan: "380975003434",
      vasilina: "380975003434"
    gender: "male"
    //  id
    name: "andrew",
    phone: "380975003434",
    phoneBook: {
      andrew: "380975003434",
      bohdan: "380975003434",
      vasilina: "380975003434"
    gender: "male"
    id: 1.5, //  
    name: "andrew",
    phone: "380975003434",
    phoneBook: {
      andrew: "380975003434",
      bohdan: "380975003434",
      vasilina: "380975003434"
    gender: "male"
    id: 1,
    name: "", //  
    phone: "380975003434",
    phoneBook: {
      andrew: "380975003434",
      bohdan: "380975003434",
      vasilina: "380975003434"
    gender: "male"
    id: 1,
    //  name
    phone: "380975003434",
    phoneBook: {
      andrew: "380975003434",
      bohdan: "380975003434",
      vasilina: "380975003434"
    gender: "male"
    id: 1,
    name: "andrew",
    phone: "38097500434", // 11 
    phoneBook: {
      andrew: "380975003434",
      bohdan: "380975003434",
      vasilina: "380975003434"
    gender: "male"
    id: 1,
    name: "andrew",
    //  phone
    phoneBook: {
      andrew: "380975003434",
      bohdan: "380975003434",
      vasilina: "380975003434"
    gender: "male"
    id: 1,
    name: "andrew",
    phone: "380975003434",
    phoneBook: {
      andrew: "380975003434",
      bohdan: "380975003434",
      vasilina: "38097503434" // 11 
    gender: "male"
    id: 1,
    name: "andrew",
    phone: "380975003434",
    // phoneBook 
    gender: "male"
    id: 1,
    name: "andrew",
    phone: "380975003434",
    phoneBook: {
      andrew: "380975003434",
      bohdan: "380975003434",
      vasilina: "380975003434"
    gender: "Male" // 'male'
    id: 1,
    name: "andrew",
    phone: "380975003434",
    phoneBook: {
      andrew: "380975003434",
      bohdan: "380975003434",
      vasilina: "380975003434"



const personSchema = {
  type: "object",
  required: ["id", "name", "phone", "phoneBook", "gender"],
  properties: {
    id: {
      type: "integer",
      exclusiveMinimum: 0
    name: {
      type: "string",
      minLength: 1
    phone: {
      anyOf: [
        { type: "null" },
          type: "string",
          pattern: "^\\d{12}$"
    phoneBook: {
      type: "object",
      additionalProperties: {
        type: "string",
        pattern: "^\\d{12}$"
    gender: {
      type: "string",
      enum: ["male", "female"]


const ajvCheckPerson = ajv.compile(personSchema);


Ajv Build

79,476 ops/sec
78,334 ops/sec
61,752 ops/sec
77,395 ops/sec
78,539 ops/sec
51,922 ops/sec
80,031 ops/sec
77,687 ops/sec
65,439 ops/sec
79,805 ops/sec

: 73,038 ops/sec


for (let i = 0; i < valids.length; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < invalids.length; i++) {


Ajv Validation

227,640 ops/sec
301,134 ops/sec
190,450 ops/sec
195,595 ops/sec
384,380 ops/sec
193,358 ops/sec
385,280 ops/sec
239,009 ops/sec
193,832 ops/sec
392,808 ops/sec

: 270,349 ops/sec



const quartetCheckPerson = v({
  id: v.and(v.safeInteger, v.positive),
  name: v.and(v.string, v.minLength(1)),
  phone: [null, v.test(/^\d{12}$/)],
  phoneBook: {
    [v.rest]: v.test(/^\d{12}$/)
  gender: ["male", "female"]


Quartet 9: Allegro Build

35,564 ops/sec
14,401 ops/sec
15,438 ops/sec
26,852 ops/sec
33,935 ops/sec
16,010 ops/sec
34,550 ops/sec
33,148 ops/sec
16,037 ops/sec
36,828 ops/sec

: 26,276 ops/sec


for (let i = 0; i < valids.length; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < invalids.length; i++) {

, :

Quartet 9: Allegro Validation

237,059 ops/sec
435,844 ops/sec
248,021 ops/sec
238,931 ops/sec
416,993 ops/sec
281,904 ops/sec
439,975 ops/sec
242,074 ops/sec
330,487 ops/sec
421,704 ops/sec

: 329,299 ops/sec



, , quartetCheckPerson .

console.log({ ...quartetCheckPerson });

function validator(value) {
  if (value == null) return false
  if (!Number.isSafeInteger(value.id)) return false
  if (value.id <= 0) return false
  if (typeof value.name !== 'string') return false
  if (value.name == null || value.name.length < 1) return false
  if (!validator["value.phone"](value.phone)) return false
  if (value.phoneBook == null) return false
  validator.keys = Object.keys(value.phoneBook)
  for (let i = 0; i < validator.keys.length; i++) {
    validator.elem = value.phoneBook[validator.keys[i]]
    if (!validator["tester-1"].test(validator.elem)) return false

  if (!validator["value.gender"](value.gender)) return false
  return true

// Check person properties
  'value.phone': function validator(value) {
    if (value === null) return true;
    if (validator.tester.test(value)) return true;
    return false
  ['value.phone']['tester']: /^\d{12}$/,
  'tester-1': /^\d{12}$/,
  'value.gender': function validator(value) {
    if (validator.__validValuesDict[value] === true) return true
    return false
  ['value.gender']['__validValuesDict']: {
    male: true,
    female: true

β€” , β€” .



β€” ajv , errors.


quartet - .


1) v.custom. β€” , explanations , . β€” β€”


const checkId = v(v.and(v.safeInteger, v.positive));
const checkName = v(v.and(v.string, v.minLength(1)));
const checkPhone = v([null, v.test(/^\d{12}$/)]);
const checkPhoneBookItem = v(v.test(/^\d{12}$/));
const checkGender = v(["male", "female"]);

const quartetCheckPerson = v({
    id: v.custom(checkId, "id"),
    name: v.custom(checkName, "name"),
    phone: v.custom(checkPhone, "phone"),
    phoneBook: {
      [v.rest]: v.custom(checkPhoneBookItem, "phoneBook")
    gender: v.custom(checkGender, "gender")

// quartetCheckPerson({}) // false
// quartetCheckPerson.explanations // ['id']

Make measurements:

2) The second method is more ideomatic - using custom explanations by default. The errorBoundary function will be called as soon as one of the validators returns false.

import { quartet } from 'quartet'
const v = quartet({
  errorBoundary(explanations, { value, id, schema, innerExplanations }) {
    explanations.push(...innerExplanations, { value, id, schema })

const checkPerson = v({
  id: v.and(v.safeInteger, v.positive),
  name: v.and(v.string, v.minLength(1)),
  phone: [null, v.test(/^\d{12}$/)],
  phoneBook: {
    [v.rest]: v.test(/^\d{12}$/)
  gender: ["male", "female"]

// checkPerson(null) // false
// checkPerson.explanations // [{ value: null, id: 'value', schema: { id: ... }]

Make measurements:



The comparison yielded mixed results. For those who need performance and explanation - choose ajv. For those who do not need explanations of disabilities - take quartet - and get even more performance with a more readable and expressive scheme.
I am encouraged by this result. I hope the reader will want to try out quartet@9in practice.

Thank you for reading, interesting to read the comments.

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