Automatic bar with voice control on arduino

Good day, today in isolation, there is free time that can be spent on hobbies, self-development, or just having fun reading Habr.

Well, I hope that what will be described below will be interesting to the public. I present to you one more of my homemade products, the project took me almost half a year. Initially, he planned to make a TV stand into which he was going to insert a home-made false fireplace. Then I saw a video of a garage sofa with a driving bar on one of the YouTube channels:

I liked the idea very much, the performer’s hands from the right place, modified a little and added his own. Now all the homemade products had to be combined into a single whole, so the idea of ​​a fireplace bar was born. The final vision of what I want to see as a result appeared after watching the following video:

So, how it works: when turned on, the nodes are checked, loading, at this moment the bar voices the greeting with the now fashionable memes - the voice of a robot, then the device is ready for operation.

For control, a touch panel with two buttons is provided, one - includes a fireplace, the other - a bar. Buttons used ttp223. The bar leaves and drives in under the musical accompaniment, which is randomly selected. Management through arduino nano which regulates the speed of the electric window mechanism and sends commands to the player’s port df player mini) After the bar is open, periodic toasts are activated once every five minutes. (In theory, you need to pour and drink here, most likely, you will have to adjust the time experimentally) Since now, in my opinion, a real boom of voice control is going on, I also added it. Implemented on the voice assistant "Dusya" (you can also screw Alice).

Instead of using the media center, I’m using the old phone so far, my freedom-loving wife is very annoyed by the activation phrase, but so far everything remains unchanged.

The post is for guidance only, I will not load the audience with technical details, if it is interesting, I will answer.

PS And this is how the fireplace works (firewood crack, it looks more realistic in real life):

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