Books for beginner podcasters: what to read about earning and monetizing conversational programs

I decided to repost material from another site dmitrykabanovas a continuation of his earlier compilation, “ I went to the distance - launched a podcast: what to read for this .”

Artem Beliaikin ,

Profitable Podcasting: Grow Your Business, Expand, and Build a Nation of True Fans

Stephen Vossner shares his experience of promoting and monetizing the entrepreneurship podcast. It is called Onward Nation and brings Steven a good income, so he has something to tell.

In the book you will find practical recommendations of the author on attracting new podcast listeners, forming a permanent audience and finding sponsors.

The publication is suitable for those who want to integrate podcasting into their content strategy , as well as for independent podcasts who want to earn a hobby. The author of the book is also known for teaching at the University of Wisconsin at La Crosse and the Wisconsin School of Business.

Before buying, I recommend listening to several episodes of Stephen’s podcast to formulate the right expectations for yourself. His book seemed to me quite voluminous, so carefully plan your time and evaluate the forces to study the material.

Podcasting Good to Great: How to Grow Your Audience Through Collaboration

This publication is many times shorter and cheaper, but only basic points can be found here. On the other hand, this does not negate their significance, yet the author of the book has been conducting one of the largest podcast conferences in the world for five years and shares this experience with readers.

Here we are talking about how to “disperse” a program by participating in events, collaborating with authors of other programs and choosing suitable guests. The goal of such a strategic community management is to make podcasting a source of your income.

Keylist playlist from our content marketing and podcast interviews

Marketing Strategy: Guide to Creating, Publishing and Monetizing a Podcast

A one-of-a-kind comprehensive guide to launching, promoting and monetizing podcasts. Building on real-life cases, marketing experts Daniel Rawls and Kieran Rogers talk about how presenters, companies, and advertisers can capitalize on an evolving format.

It is noteworthy that the authors have experience with the BBC, MasterCard and Warner Brothers, and their transfer of Digital Marketing Podcast often goes into the top English showcase Apple Podcasts. The price of a hardcover edition is hanging in space, so you should consider buying other versions of the book.

Let's Talk Podcasting: Guide to Doing It Right

Amanda Ciupido began her career as a producer on Canadian radio and, since 2014, went into podcasting: she launched her broadcast, started helping friendly organizations and giving lectures on journalism and podcasting. In this book, she shares her experience and tries to tell both about the general principles of podcasting, and about incomprehensible to many nuances, including monetization.

Despite the fact that the work can be inferior in depth to similar publications, some aspects of the case are described in detail, for example, recording commercials for podcasts.

We are talking not only about big and serious media , but also about fun resources

Your Museum Needs a Podcast: A Step-By-Step Guide to Podcasting on a Budget for Museums, History Organizations, and Cultural Nonprofits

As a bonus, the podcasting guide is Hannah Hamton, a professional communications consultant. It helps museums and institutions supporting sites of historic importance to master digital media. And currently working on the third season of his own museums In Strange Places podcast .

I decided to recommend this book, taking into account the fact that I myself recently wrote a program about a historical building in the center of Moscow . The publication is useful not only for cultural workers, in which Hannah discusses how to get resources for podcasting and make the transfer a part of the PR strategy. The material is worth exploring if you plan to launch a corporate podcast .

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