Microsoft will no longer issue MCSE / MCSD / MCSA certificates

In five years, under the wise leadership of Satya Nadella, Microsoft has lost global technology leadership. Despite the fact that all efforts were thrown into the cloud direction, Azure was not able to catch up and even more bypass the popularity platform from Amazon, the pioneer and permanent leader in this market. Not wanting to attract outside financing for the development of Azure, the company pumped money from other directions, as a result Microsoft lost Apple tablets and professional desktops, Google mobile technologies, games and AR / VR to everyone in a row, Salesforce corporate systems could not bring their advertising the Bing network and search engine, and decent people with ladies don’t even remember decent Yammer social networks. Being unorganized, internally eaten by internal competition and incapable of innovation,recently, she only buys other people's developments: GitHub, LinkedIn, Xamarin and other already completed and mature projects.

In essence, Microsoft is moving toward becoming just a major maker of text editors and a Linux hoster. Of course, such a company does not need partners and developers, therefore, in February this year, it announced that it was closing certification programs for developers and administrators of engineers , namely:

  • MCSA: BI Reporting
  • MCSA: Dynamics 365 for Operations
  • MCSA: SQL 2016 BI Development
  • MCSA: SQL 2016 Database Admin
  • MCSA: SQL 2016 Database Dev
  • MCSA: SQL Server 2012/2014
  • MCSA: Universal Windows Platform
  • MCSA: Web Applications
  • MCSA: Windows Server 2012
  • MCSA: Windows Server 2016
  • MCSD: App Builder
  • MCSE: Business Applications
  • MCSE: Core Infrastructure
  • MCSE: Data Management & Analytics
  • MCSE: Productivity

As you can see from the list, Microsoft believes that in the modern world they are not needed: web developers, developers and database administrators, developers of desktop and tablet applications, administrators of on-premise servers. It was supposed to stop certification for these programs until June 30.

The new set of exams mainly involves training specialists in setting up a corporate credit card to pay for Azure services, clicking the mouse to register in Azure Active Directory and promoting the same text editor as part of Office 365:

New Microsoft Certification Path

There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped: in connection with the pandemic COVID-19, Microsoft Learning Extends Acceptance of Recent Certification Applicationsfor programs for real specialists until January 31, 2021, and also promises to increase the number of exams taken remotely.

If you still haven't upgraded your MCSA, now you know what to do during quarantine.

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