About bad employers good employees: passions after the week off

Who wants to live, who is cheerful, who is not aphid,
Prepare your hands for melee!
And let the rats leave the ship -
They interfere with the reckless battle.
V. Vysotsky

Honestly, I don’t have time for a post for Habr - I plow three times on a remote site so that the company I work for survives. However, what was happening around me plunged me into a stupor unusual for my body - no, not from a strange non-working week with an unclear horizon of continuation, but from the attitude of others around the situation. I read comments on Habré and on social networks, talked with friends, acquaintances and former colleagues from the Very Big Company and was horrified: they are extremely happy about unplanned vacations and ... write complaints about their leaders who asked to work remotely. Guys, now is not the time to ramshit! Let's take the arguments.

We can say that we found, washed, cleaned it from the trash in the garbage dump, and he draws figvam to us ...

What happens - as simple as possible

In the world of the coronavirus pandemic. This is such a process when a lot of people drop out of their usual working conditions, switch to a remote place, on forced vacations, lose their jobs, etc. Everything is complicated by psychological moments: people are afraid to get sick, infect loved ones, die, but just update the tapes endlessly and get nervous due to a general panic situation. In such conditions, the head works worse, the mood drops, the desire to consume something more expensive than the usual food disappears - largely due to savings, largely because of the anxiety state. 

A non-working week added to the confusion and quarreled everyone: employers ask (cannot demand!) Employees to work remotely, some employees bravely increase their labor efforts, partly they shake the decree and the Labor Code, wanting to leave their favorite game or sharpen the barbecue. The biggest difficulty for the business (including IT) is that even if the company itself is working, it is not a fact that its customers are working and ready to buy, which means that the company simply does not have a source of income. As a result, it may seem that those who work are wasted, but this is not so. Any action now is work for the future, which will come anyway, and by the standards of the economy pretty soon.

Well, all this somewhat apocalyptic picture is crowned by the dollar, which does not inspire anything good. 

And you know, psychologically you can understand those who are ready to plow and save the world, and those who want to go inside and honestly cut off a non-working week as a non-working one. But from the point of view of adequacy, it is impossible to understand such guys. 

Arguments of “non-working” and counterarguments to them

Yeah, the boss didn’t pay me, he didn’t give sick leaves, he acted like cattle, and now I have to work for him, no.

Question number one: “And if so, why did you work for him ?! Afraid that you could not find another place for yourself, or so sincerely loved the project? Have you been tortured? ” If you always worked quietly in a company where all known labor law norms are violated, why did you stay there and wait for the virus to force you to leave work, slamming the door loudly and carrying revenge? Do not shrug, I know the reasons.

  • Fear of moving to a new job and losing the established order of things.
  • , , ..
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That is, there is always some hidden, crafty gain. And most likely, the leader, being not a stupid person, compared his knowledge of your schools and his benefits, and held you. And yes, guys, it’s practically impossible for the leadership in small and medium-sized businesses not to know about your tricks. If it seems to you that you are brave, dexterous, skillful, then in fact the boss just closes his eyes and clearly knows why he is holding you.

So, if you have been using “all amenities” all this time, now it’s time to tolerate - so that your crisis does not disappear after your crisis. By the way, in the coming months, a sufficient number of professionals will become free, so that the competition in the market will be fierce and you, having served your years in a “go-go office” with not particularly cool experience, will not be able to compete with those who decide / will be forced to change jobs after profile strong companies (not necessarily large).  

These nouveau riche are rowing for themselves, and now they remembered us, over there!

The labor market is simple: you come for an interview, talk about yourself, the employer talks about yourself and offers you a price, if everything is ok, you go to work and get your salary. And you, as a rule, know for sure whether your work is worth the money, how much you are overestimated or underestimated. After some time after employment, if there is a significant result, you can talk with the manager about increasing the salary or bonus part. That is, you can rationally, in accordance with your work, take part of the money from the sale of a jointly created product or service. Well, the head takes his part. 

If you now have aroused indignation, I again have two questions.

  1. If you thought the payment was unfair, why did you sit at work and why were you silent?
  2. If you approached and refused, why did you stay?

By the way, you will be surprised, but in micro and small business with nouveau riche it is pretty bad - it happens that the head receives not much more employees, but is already physically unable to return to hiring. In the end, try to organize your own business and you will see everything live. I promise: there will be much surprising, but not enough money.

We have a pillow in our company, even if they pay from it!

I love this point - despite the fact that everyone is talking about this pillow (variations - a small pillow, gasket, tub, insurance), but no one has seen it and can not accurately name the source of its formation. Yes, of course, if the company is more or less normal, it has some financial reserve, which may be enough for the employees' salaries during quarantine. But along with the depletion of the stock, new problems and losses will come, because often this money is used for business development (in the IT sphere, this can be the purchase of equipment, development tools, etc.). In the face of declining returns, the loss of a pillow could kill a company.

Therefore, the money that you get paid in a crisis without cutting you, you need to continue to work out, and not sit idle for weeks - because after the crisis the company may collapse.

By the way, for those who like to add up the salaries of employees and calculate how much money the office needs to maintain staff: do not forget to consider social contributions, include personal income tax and keep in mind that employees are not the only cost item for a company even in super crisis times. 

I already have a small salary that I have to work as a laborer!

And what did you work for her? You can return to the first argument. 

Asked to work? Does he know the laws ?!

Alas, the President’s appeal was in many ways cool and gentle, but the legal field turned out to be different: that’s why it was necessary to issue several decrees to mayors and governors, and then the Kremlin to explain that who worked remotely should work, and schoolchildren and students should study . Indeed, the measure was rather aimed at those who, for some reason, cannot work from home, for example, state bodies. authorities, municipalities, some enterprises, etc. So it’s difficult to wave the law in this situation, rather, you and the employer must agree really humanly. 

In the worst case scenario, we will still receive a new instruction with clearer details, in the best case, we will soon return to the office and look into each other's eyes. 

I want to rest, I'm tired. And this is my opportunity.

Nobody will bother you, you have the right. If today each of us rests, then in a couple of months, when the situation becomes a little better, we can begin to relax for a long time and with high quality - only without money. Just because there will be no companies - we ourselves have turned our back on them in difficult times.

Yes, employee behavior is now an important marker of corporate loyalty. Yes, alas, in our blood, the tendency to sway rights and denounce is flowing. Yes, employers are different (employees too). But today we are not just in the same boat inside the companies, we are all on the same ark. And it depends on each of us, we will sail out. Ask yourself why you worked at the company until this day and answer it as honestly as possible. For some reason, it seems to me that you will want to work remotely. And if not, urgently look for a new job, now the window of opportunity. You cannot be in the place you hate.

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