No masks, but you hold 1/2

The topic of 3D-printed respirators-masks on Habr seems to have not been discussed yet, so let me briefly insert your three pennies.

The idea is this: if you do not buy a protective mask in the store, then let's print it on a 3D printer. The replaceable filter can be made from improvised materials.

Moreover, if the form is tailored to the individual person, then there should be no problems with fit and wearing comfort. However, due to the fact that the printed mask is quite tough, for another person, you need to change the shape of the model. In the simplest case, this is done by scaling along the coordinate axes.

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There is a question about the availability of a parametric model of a human face, suitable for creating individual masks. If it were possible to determine the face model using simple ruler measurements or photographs with an attached ruler and make an individual respirator with a more or less standard part with filtering elements from the model - that would be great, but so far, unfortunately, this is not.

Masks are voluminous and flat, such as cutting fabrics with the need for a break in the middle. The latter recommends that people not use it because of obvious problems with fit and strength at the break point. Video with an example of such a mask . At 10:23 it can be seen that there are problems with the fit, despite the use of "thermoforming" with a hairdryer and own face. (UPD: video removed)

Volumetric masks are made with a valve or inspiratory-expiration valves and without valves.

Masks with valves are more complex and consist of several parts. Masks without valves are easier and faster to print.

If you are going to print a mask, choose one that can be printed without backups and additional processing.

Another point is the attachment points of belts / elastic bands. If there are two of them, then most likely the mask will move out and hold loose. Here is an example of a simple mask with one rubber mount , but with several sizes.

Here is an example of a mask with two gum mounts :


This mask was perfect for me, and turned out to be great for other people. It is proposed to solve problems with fit with a sealant made of sealing rubber, gaskets made of polyurethane foam for windows, double-sided tape around the perimeter with a sticker of something soft and dense. But all this is somehow not very reliable.

This model differs from the previous one by the presence of a valve, and under the valve it is proposed to drill a hole in a rather thin part with a high probability of breaking it.

It is proposed to use cotton pads as replaceable filters in some models, and based on the size, they make a compartment for the filter. In my opinion, a diameter of one cotton pad is too small. On the model that I printed in the photo above, any soft material up to about 5 mm thick can be used as a filter. I tried a regular four-piece paper towel and gray cheap four-piece toilet paper. It turned out that you can breathe. With a tissue almost effortless, with toilet paper heavier.

Another nuance that should be paid attention to those who will print. There should be no gaps in the walls. Just in case, after printing, the mask can either be painted or coated with colorless varnish. This will not only help close microcracks or microchannels left after printing, but also make the surface smoother, on which dirt with the same viruses settles less and makes washing / disinfection easier.

About disinfection, I hope to supplement a little in the next post

Update: How to determine the shape of the face article about determining the shape of the face. It is unclear how to move from the shape of the face to the mask, but at least something ...

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