Linux Console Utilities That Can Make Your Life Easier (Part 2)


Since the previous article went pretty well, it would be wrong not to share the additional utilities that I use to this day. I want to make a reservation right away that the article is also adapted for beginners, and old Linux users will have togrind teethto chew on the material. Forward to the topic!

Preface for Beginners

, . , , , , , , . :

  • Debian (Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Pop!_os) Launchpad, .deb
  • Arch (Arch, Manjaro, Void Linux) AUR , .appimage ( ), PKGBUILD
  • RedHat (Fedora, CentOS), RedHat Flatpak ( Snap). , .rpm

, Manjaro CLI, i3-gaps , β€” , , Linux .

snap install gotop --classic

pip install glances


  • JSShell β€” - ,
  • live-server β€” index.html ( )
    sudo npm i live-server -g
  • wp-cli β€” WordPress

    curl -O
    php wp-cli.phar --info
    chmod +x wp-cli.phar
    sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp
  • surge β€” " "
    c npm
    sudo npm i surge -g
  • httpie β€” -

    sudo apt install httpie || sudo pacman -Sy httpie || sudo dnf install -Sy httpie
  • hget β€”
    c npm
    sudo npm install hget -g

Applications that make it easy to work without a GUI

  • nmtui - a utility with TUI for selecting and configuring a network directly from the terminal

  • alsamixer - utility for adjusting sound

  • neovim - a convenient editor with support for asynchronous download of plugins and language ling

  • browsh - a browser with a pseudo-GUI (ASCII graphic) right in the console

  • fzf - fast file search (FuzzyFinder)


If you have utilities that you like, write about them in the comments and I will add an article to them! Thank you for reading.

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