What can be done to defeat the coronavirus without leaving home

To combat COVID-19, all of humanity rallied. Doctors work at the forefront, ordinary people do not leave home, and many were temporarily laid off (well, or during the holidays, as you like). You can help not only by sitting at home, but also by active actions. We have selected several initiatives by participating in which you will help drug developers, doctors and scientists.

UFO Care Minute

The pandemic COVID-19, a potentially severe acute respiratory infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (2019-nCoV), has officially been announced in the world. There is a lot of information on Habré on this topic - always remember that it can be both reliable / useful, and vice versa.

We urge you to be critical of any published information.

Official sources

, .

Wash your hands, take care of your loved ones, stay at home whenever possible and work remotely.

Read publications about: coronavirus | remote work

Crowdfight COVID-19

A great platform where some scientists set tasks for other scientists to study COVID-19. Those who would like to connect to work for free.

Our only comment is that it would be better to make the list of tasks open, and not just send them by mail. And so that you can see the movement of the projects.

Such a platform can bring together thousands, tens of thousands of scientists. Now they have more than 35,000 volunteers. An open platform can significantly accelerate results.

Thanks to Denis Odinokov for sharing such important information.

Helpful engineering

The Helpful Engineering community brings together volunteers - engineers, scientists, programmers, 3D-modelers and other home-made people from around the world. The purpose of this association is to make open (open hardware / open software) solutions that can help in the fight against COVID-19. For example, an oxygen concentrator, or a simple ventilator, mobile phone applications for tracking epidemics, 3D models for various tubes and valves needed by doctors and so on. Here it is possible to find a sign of ongoing projects. Many are still in the initial stage, but progress is visible for some reason, as people are pulling up their old achievements.

Thanks to Vadim Kolontsov for sharing such important information.

COVID Symptom Tracker

This is the application of scientists from King's College London, and they collect data from residents of the UK: how they are treated by COVID and how they recover from illness, about concomitant diseases like CVD and diabetes, and about their lifestyle.

It seems that in Russia there is no such thing yet, but there would definitely be a benefit from it. Maybe one of the readers of this post could do this?


A similar initiative , but for the whole world, comes from the Algorand Foundation, which launched the IReport-Covid app. The app allows users to anonymously share information regarding COVID-19 - even those without symptoms.

Sign a petition

Finally, we call for the publication of anonymous data from patients with COVID-19. How the disease proceeds, what therapy to choose, how to avoid an unfavorable scenario ... An analysis of big data could help answer these questions. If you agree, sign our petition.

Folding @ home

An old project launched by scientists from Stanford University in 2000. Its purpose is to use the power of thousands of personal computers to calculate the processes of folding (stacking) of protein. Later, the focus shifted to biomedical problems - understanding the causes of such popular diseases as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer, Ebola, and finally, COVID.

The task of Folding @ home is to understand how SARS-CoV-2 proteins function and, using this knowledge, find a possible therapy.

Over the past two weeks, more than 400 thousand people have joined the Folding @ home project.
The only thing we want to warn you about: before joining the project, evaluate the power of your computer and figure out if it will cope with all your tasks and with the distributed folding on top of them. If you can’t do it, but you want to help, the project can be helped with money.

Rosetta @ home

And if you didn’t like Folding @ home, then you can do almost the same thing, but on Rosetta @ home.


BioMindmap is a concise guide to causal relationships between symptoms and medications. He creates a separate page (biolink) for each statement of type “A raises B” - and makes it the only point of collection of the entire evidence base.

BioMindmap users are now adding COVID-19 information . If you read a coronavirus study and conclude, be sure to submit it on the site. (The site is in English, but the presentation can be viewed here biomindmap.com/intro/ru , and for telegram lovers there is a smart bot t.me/BioMindmap_bot ).

BioMindmap created Alex Inside , for which many thanks to him.

Virtual biohackathon

You can participate in the virtual Biohackathon, dedicated to COVID-19, which will be held April 5 - 11, 2020.

Fundraising from the Orthodox World website

Not a single country in the world turned out to be ready for a pandemic, including Russia. Doctors in the regions lack respirators, masks, and eye protection. You can wait until some bureaucratic mechanisms of our huge country are cranked up, or you can transfer a little money to the fund, and help to doctors will come directly from there.

It seems to us that this is a very necessary and useful initiative. If you are a doctor and need help, write to fond@pravmir.ru.

Enroll in volunteers

Doctors of State Clinical Hospital No. 40, the main hospital in Moscow for patients with COVID-19, need the help of volunteers. Here here you can sign up and learn more. This doesn't quite fit the title of our post, but still.

And on top of it, it’s not really about participation, but it’s also a useful thing: Hive brought together epidemiologists who can be trusted.

The list was made by Dora Bataeva

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