AMA with Habr # 17. Car of changes, remote work and post-record holder

I liked how I spoke Deniskinin his channel: “ For the first time in modern history, the country has three crises simultaneously: political (constitutional), economic and epidemiological. In metaphors, we have a fire in an ammunition depot in an earthquake and flood at the same time . ” A beautiful and accurate expression, but what is hiding behind these words without jokes is a feeling that we are living on the threshold of some grand fox, from which there is no escape and no hiding. Our people are still full of optimism and somehow try to laugh it off - without a doubt, this is the most “fun” pandemic. But there are no comforting forecasts yet - it is absolutely clear that no one will get out of the water in this story.

What remains for us, mere mortals (in the truest sense of the word) to do? By and large, none of us can somehow influence this situation - we can only heed the advice "sit at home and wash our hands." As in the memc: "for the first time in history, we can save humanity by lying on the couch by the TV." Let's not screw up with this mission!

# best home

How we are working

A couple of weeks ago, the management gave out reusable respirators to employees (Alina-316) and organized everything for remote work - now all the employees of our company work remotely. Nobody regards the "vacation" as an opportunity to relax - we continue to work in the same mode. However, for us this is a common practice - it was possible to work remotely earlier. We use a standard set of tools: Mattermost (instead of Slack) and Telegram, Google Hangouts and Zoom, JIRA and Confluence, VPN.

Remember my post about remaking a loggia into a workplace, “ Boomburum office? This month she has a surge in views, only the lazy one did not remind me of her. The article is already almost 10 years old, I am already working on the balcony v.2.0, in which I tried to fix all the shortcomings of the first version - if interested, I can tell you about my experience.

If you have difficulties with work - look at our Habr Career - right now there are more than 400 vacancies with the possibility of remote work. Including at us in Habré . By the way, for posting jobs with remote work, we give companies a nice bonus (details on the site). The future is behind the remote!

And also remind about the section with educationon Habr Career. There are many online schools and courses, you can filter by price, skills and specialization - such self-education will perfectly complement self-isolation, it's better than just lying on the couch.

Post-record holder

It was not for nothing that I mentioned my post about the balcony - for me this is a personal record in many metrics. But just the other day, an absolute post-record holder appeared on Habré - in 2 weeks he got more than 1800 comments and, attention, 5.2 MILLION views. As they say, quite a while (never) this was not.

Well, now for the changes on the site.

Recent Change List

Desktop version:

  • Updated the design of contextual blocks, added titles for icons
  • Fixed the behavior of the comment, which disappears after approval by the author of the post
  • Corrected positioning of the comment loading button

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  • ipad-  
  • ,
  • Pull-to-refresh
  • /info, /info/about /info/transparency, 500
  • «» «»
  • (font-boosting)
  • ,
  • Fixed the behavior of the header on the dialog page
  • Fixed display of contextual blocks on the first page load
  • Expanded click area for menu items
  • Added editorial subscription subscription block


  • Made a floating hat
  • Added splash screens, updated icons
  • Fixed display on phones with bangs
  • Made a notice about the inability to open an external link in the absence of the Internet
  • Fix scroll position for comment
  • Corrected the link to the home page


  • Habr hit Google News
  • Habr Career - adapted vacancies and an authorization form for mobile devices (there will be more later)

That's all for now.

Ask questions in the comments, suggest ideas. Tell us how you isolated yourself, share life hacks. Well, sit at home, of course, # home is better .

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