Using someone else's patent during a pandemic

Hello everyone!

Against the backdrop of the pandemic and quarantine, the news about the entrepreneur from Italy Cristian Fracassi (Cristian Fracassi), CEO of Isinnova, who, having learned about the lack of spare valves for mechanical ventilation devices (IVL), recently began to print them on a 3D printer and was free of charge. transfer to hospitals. Since the entrepreneur did not have drawings for creating the valve, they had to be created independently. The story itself is described in more detail at  Inc.


Valves in question. © Cristian Fracassi, photo taken from the entrepreneur's Facebook page. Link to the photo.

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 , , («invention»), («utility model»)   («industrial design»).

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As a utility model, only technical solutions related to a specific device are protected.

Inventions and utility models in Russian law also differ in terms of the provision of legal protection. An invention may be protected by a patent only if it is new, not obvious to other specialists in the relevant field and applicable in any sectors of the economy or in the social sphere (“industrially applicable”). For a utility model, it is enough to be new and industrially applicable.

Certain objects, for example, discoveries of certain laws of nature, scientific theories, and mathematical methods cannot be protected as inventions and utility models. At the same time, technical solutions based on such discoveries, theories, and methods can be protected as inventions and utility models.

     —   ( ),    , «   » («computational idea patents») —  ,     .    - .

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    («Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights», «TRIPS»)   . 31  -   , ,     . «b»  31, , , , ,  ,     .

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