Intel resets processor model numbers. But this is not certain - there will be a vote

The first processors labeled Core i3 / i5 / i7 and a numerical index were released by Intel in 2008; Now, as we know, there is the tenth generation of Intel Core and models with the number 10 at the beginning. For all the logic of such numbering, it has a hidden catch: with the growth of the index, it mixes more and more with other numbers that indicate something, and ceases to be perceived as an attribute of the processor. Say, the Core 9400 model is familiar to us, the Core 12800 already looks like a battery, and the 21280 is generally something from the field of VAZ classics. To keep the indices in the range psychologically comfortable for the consumer, Intel is considering the option to reset the first digit every 10 generations.

However, this idea has obvious drawbacks. First of all, 12 years for computer technology is a long, but not prohibitive, term. In operation and in the secondary market, there are many first-generation Intel Core processors with the cute old-hearted names Intel Core i7-860 , Intel Core i5-750 and so on. Could Intel's new initiative lead to confusion and confusion?

In order not to cut off the shoulder, before taking such drastic measures, the company decided to consult with its customers. Final decision will be preceded by a global survey on the Intel website, in which anyone with Internet access can take part. The survey was supposed to start on April 20, but in the current situation this cannot be said for sure. Follow Intel News!

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