Welcome Mat - now also in Russian

The other day I completed the translation of the Welcome Mat website , and Alexander Zeynalov posted it at welcome.openstreetmap.ru .

It has a section entitled “ Who uses OpenStreetMap? ”, Which, it seems to me, should contain much more information about Russian companies, authorities, the media and businesses using OSM. Therefore, if you know about such, please let me know - I am ready to consider your proposals and, in which case, mention them on this site. I will say right away that preference will be given to large or interesting projects.

In addition, if you find some kind of error or you have an idea how to make the site even better, I will be glad to hear from you. Do not forget to share a link to this site and offer someone more bold to use OSM, as well as open your data for it.

Post on the OSM forum.

PS I recall earlierSwitch2OSM website was translated , the local version of which is located here .

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