Electric buses and their batteries: what is lithium titanate? (Part.1)

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Today we’ll try to consider Moscow electric buses based on an article in the magazine “Behind the Wheel ” regarding the used lithium-titanate batteries (Li4Ti5O12 or LTO), their cost and operating prospects, and also try to understand why lithium-titanate is not suitable for industrial solutions in UPSs.

After our article “Li-Ion Technologies: Unit Cost Decreases Faster than Forecasts”Lithium titanate aroused interest as “non-automobile” lithium. In my opinion, LTO is just the most traction batteries that are completely unsuitable for working as rechargeable batteries in UPSs and telecoms. Why? Let's figure it out under the cut, we will conditionally divide the structure of the article into three parts:

  1. What is an electric bus and why LTO?
  2. Chemistry, chemistry ...., are all the batteries the same? What is the difference between LTO, LpTO and LFP
  3. The cost of lithium-ion solutions at this stage: world data and approximate coefficients in the Russian market

What is an electric bus and why LTO?

To begin with, we will understand the article and “fetch” the data we need

  • used LTO-batteries, more precisely battery + BMS, manufactured by Chinese Microvast, INC. However, WIKI claims that there is only a battery factory in China, the parent company is Houston, Texas, USA
  • , ,
  • 7 15 , « 12 ». , - 2 7 . , , Microvast >2000 LpTO
  • , , — 2011 , 9 , ?
    , , . , , .
  • — 9,5 . ( , )
  • — 1,8-2 ( , — , , , )
  • — 77*, 60/80*

, , «» , , . 1800 .
. , . — , . 2*77* , 800 .


  1. — 96 */ (pack). - Li-Ion 90-200 */.
  2. ( 1/3 -55,2 ./ */ (pack)
  3. 12 , — 7 , () «» — — 7 . 10 — 3 10,5 (2 — — )

photo from www.zr.ru

... that's all for now, to be continued.

UPD: Where do we start the next - chemical - part:

Appearance of LpTO battery assembly from Microvast, China. Perhaps they are installed on electric buses in Moscow.

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