March and April Online Events Digest

In recent weeks, everyday life has changed dramatically in many ways. So, in the light of current events, for some time we are changing the format of our digest. Fortunately, the IT community feels free enough in a virtual environment to relocate the sites for communication, training and joint activities relatively painlessly - which means that life goes on. In this issue we have collected online mitaps, conferences and webinars that will help to add variety to quarantine everyday life and write for the mind.

Free IT webinars

When: March 26, April 2
Participation conditions: free, registration is required

An initiative from ITHub College that can help students and just beginning IT professionals navigate the market and pre-calculate options. In their reports, speakers consider different directions within the sphere, outlining the demand, the threshold of entry, the necessary skills and other factors that can affect the choice. The first webinar is devoted to a general overview of promising professions, the second to the gamedev industry.

Moscow Python Conf ++ 2020

When: March 27,
Participation conditions: 7533 rub.

Moscow Python Conf ++ in its classic form will be held in the fall, this same event can be considered a bonus for the Python community. The conference will last all day and will offer participants different types of content: reports from Russian and foreign speakers (Django, Cerberus, JupyterHub, testing, data validation), podcasts, online consultations, discussions, networking and even physical exercises for those who want to warm up. A traditional afterparty will also take place - this time at Zoom. Holders of tickets for the offline version of Moscow Python Conf ++ have access to the virtual platform for free.

Virtual PHP Mitap

When: March 28
Terms of Participation: Free

An online mitap for PHP enthusiasts is also preparing a rich program: six presentations from practicing developers (CQRS, monolithic architecture against microservice, legacy code, refusal from the REST API and more) and various forms of participation for the audience. Listeners will be able to ask a question live (this type of activity will be encouraged by prizes in the form of pizza at home), speak on the topic of the report in an open chat with the speaker, speak out on any topic at the after party, or, at worst, talk with the host. There will also be a prize draw at the venue, including a ticket for the online and offline versions of the PHP Russia conference and a license for PhpStorm (based on the results of the quiz).

#StayHomeClub Meetup

When: March 30,
Participation Terms: Free, Registration Required

Support group for those who first moved to work from home under pressure from circumstances. Workers with experience will consecutively analyze all common difficulties and unusual moments that beginners face: what to establish, where the time goes, what are the features of organizing a distributed team, how online meetings should look like, and whether it’s realistic to go crazy with a million chat notifications.

Data Quality Meetup

When: March 31,
Participation Terms: Free, Registration Required

A small event for those who consider themselves to be Data Quality engineers or simply involved in quality control in Big Data. From two reports from EPAM employees, first-hand listeners learn about the specifics of working in this position: what tasks does a Data Quality engineer solve, how does testing in his performance differ from classical, what skills must be developed and what are the milestones of professional growth.

Spring - Acquaintance and Quick Dive

When: April 1,
Participation Terms: Free, Registration Required

Intensive development of Spring Java framework in the company of experts and sympathizers. The main goal of the mini-course is to get acquainted with the full range of Spring Core features, as well as with the most popular modules (Spring MVC, Spring Data, Spring REST). The program, designed for beginner Java-developers, covers both the theoretical base and the application of the basic arsenal of Spring directly in the work. A detailed plan for the webinar is published on the event website.

Android mitap in Redmadrobot

When: April 2,
Participation conditions: free, registration is required

A meeting of Android developers, organized by Redmadrobot for the general benefit and entertainment. Details can be learned from the official announcement on Habré .

Hackathon EcoHack 2020

When: April 3-5
Participation conditions: free, registration is required

In the face of one global problem, do not forget about others, and a hackathon to create software to solve environmental problems is a great way to maintain a balance. It will be possible to take one of four tasks into the work, each of which is related to a separate topic: waste sorting, eco-tourism, environmental monitoring and others. The first two days will be given for design and development remotely; communication with experts and the administration will be maintained through Telegram. In the evening of the second day, code review sessions will be held, on the third - presentations of finished projects live. For greater transparency, the code of all projects will be made publicly available. Additionally, the organizers offer teams to participate in a master class from HERE Technologies, which will be broadcast on April 3.

Practical Flutter online course in mobile development

When: from April 9,
Participation conditions: 36 000 rub.

The organizers offer mobile developers the opportunity to learn how to work with Flutter and Dart at an entry level. The course consists of eleven large blocks with a strong emphasis on practical tasks. In addition to the development itself, the program touches upon such work areas as working with server documentation, designing application architecture, code review, evaluation and selection of tools. The training is conducted under the guidance of mentors - experienced developers and active members of the community, as well as with the support of professional chat in Telegram.


When: April 10
Terms of Participation:3000 rub

Online meeting of IT-specialists of Infostart community to discuss pressing issues related to management and 1C technologies. The main topics of speeches include highload-optimization, integration and data exchange, toolkit formation, development methods, IT department management. More than a dozen reports have been announced, which will be interspersed with live communication on several channels.

Mitap “Team Management”

When: April 11,
Participation conditions: free, registration required

Five leads and department heads will gather at the monitors to share their cases with their colleagues and discuss issues that are close to their team. With such introductory agendas, the agenda promises to be varied: there is room for a story about the distribution of roles in startups, and tips for building productive work with juniors, and a sequence of actions for organizing cross-reviews, and planning sprints ... The reports will be framed by an informal part with questions, discussions and news sharing.

Online Monitoring Day

When: April 15,
Participation Terms: Free, Registration Required

A virtual gathering of experts working in the field of IT monitoring and infrastructure from the community. The event combines several formats: reports, expert sessions with representatives of partner companies (Grafana, PRTG, Selectel) and the closest possible interaction between speakers and audience in Zoom.

Girls in IT

When: April 15
Terms of participation: free, registration is required

Online meeting dedicated to the female issue in programming: why there are still few specialists in this field in Russia, what encourages girls to go into the profession and how to stimulate their interest in technology. The event will be interesting primarily to those who are trying to decide on a career path. Three participants will perform live, after which a general discussion will begin for all those connected.

Betting in face of COVID-19

When: April 16,
Participation conditions: 5000 rub.

Some conferences run contrary to the coronavirus, and some are generated by them. The betting business turned out to be the first niche of the market, which decided to comprehend its current situation and the emerging prospects. Experts in the field of betting and gambling will share their vision of how much the quarantine measures will hit the industry, whether it is possible to rectify the situation at the expense of esports and what to focus on for IT solutions providers.

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