Competition: show your home office and win PS4 *

* and not only her

Hello Habr! Well, this is our harsh reality - the news about coronavirus is being felled like plenty of cornucopia, it is recommended to stay at home in most countries, and many sites (and mailings from them) are crammed with miraculous tips on how to organize work processes in the home environment. And how long this will last is incomprehensible - the light at the end of the tunnel is not yet visible. More and more people work from home, because # homework is better . On this occasion, we decided to organize a job contest for all of you - welcome to cut, the rules are extremely simple.
Don't panic, total 160Kb

Of course, the competition page could not do without our logo, but we did not come up with it in order to advertise or sell something. Just a page, just a contest, just jobs - nothing superfluous "between the lines", anyone can participate. 

What should be done

Go to the contest website and upload a photo of your workplace, indicating the position-company-city. Well, either do the same through the telegram bot @ruvds_contest_bot

All :)

What next?

After sending the photo, you become one of the participants in the drawing - all that remains is to wait for the results. To wait it was not so boring, you can look through photos (on the website or in the telegram channel ) of other people's jobs - do not hesitate to vote for them (for example, if you got an interesting idea). By default, new works will be displayed at the very top of the site, but you can switch to the most uploaded ones.

Every three days we will choose the workplace that is most flooded for this period and give one of the prizes to the author. And on April 15, the participant with the most votes will receive the main prize - the Sony PlayStation 4 Pro.

Subscribe to the telegram channel Contest, so as not to miss new photos of desktops and important information on the draws.

But there are a couple of conditions

Participation in the competition and a pandemic are an excellent occasion to clean up the desktop, wipe the dust - do not be lazy. Happened? Great - now try to make a quality photo.

We want it to be a direct competition, not “who will fool anyone”. Therefore, all submitted work will go through a simple pre-moderation, in which we will delete photos of the toilet and other mischief. 

You can display only your photos of your current jobs - be prepared, if necessary, to confirm your attitude to the workplace with the sent photo. Winners will have to go through a separate simple test until we say which one.   

Prize pool

We barely restrained ourselves from saying Yakubovich’s voice “Super-game and super-prize - aaaaaaavtomobiiiyil”, but with us everything is much more serious:

  • Sony PlayStation 4 branded 500 GB. PS Plus subscription included - all this will nicely decorate gray quarantine everyday life. 
  • Capsule coffee machine Nespresso Essenza Mini - will help to dilute cost items, otherwise everything is buckwheat and buckwheat!
  • Fashionable chair Eames DSW. No, this is not Aeron or even the boss chair from Ikea - just a fashionable and comfortable chair that fits perfectly into any interior.
  • Amazing set of LEGO Technic. In order not to be bored.
  • Annual set of securities. The snow-white three-layer Papia - a feast during the plague! And who knows - perhaps by the end of the competition this prize will be the most valuable.
  • Stylish frame-piggy bank for wine corks. The farm is useful!

The Curling Iron will be played last, April 15th.

Good luck to all participants! Take care of yourself.

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