Goals of the day as a team management tool


Team growth inevitably leads to a complication of its structure. New divisions, leaders, hierarchy appear. The same processes in different departments begin to flow in different ways. As a result, the interaction between development teams and customers is complicated, the transfer of employees from one unit to another, etc. is difficult. In such conditions, standardization and implementation of common tools of regular management come to the fore. The company VseInstrumenty.ru pays great attention to this. Much has already been done, and much remains to be done.

This article will focus on a very simple but effective management tool that we successfully use as part of a regular management system and can be easily implemented in any team. In companyAll Tools.ru, he received the name "Goals of the Day."

The basic, most basic tool for managing your own time is a to-do list for the day. It allows you to:

  • focus on the important. Without a clear plan, it is very easy to switch to secondary tasks to the detriment of the main ones. Keeping a to-do list for the day teaches us to highlight the main thing and do only what brings a solid result;
  • do not forget. Human memory is not the most reliable information carrier, especially when working in multitasking mode. Forgetting to do something is at least annoying;
  • save time and effort. Without a list of goals for the day, which is always at hand, several times a day we have to remember what needs to be done. It takes time and mental resources;
  • motivate yourself. A to-do list for the day can be compared with a promise to yourself to do what is planned. The to-do list in itself motivates you to make more efforts and, with a sense of accomplishment, mark all tasks as completed at the end of the day.

You can increase the effectiveness of your to-do list by doing the following:

  1. publish it in an accessible place for other team members.
    This increases motivation, as the promise will be given not only to himself, but also to the team. The leader will be able to see what the team members have planned, ask questions, change priorities. All team players will be able to see each other's plans, offer adjustments, help;
  2. formulate SMART tasks (Specific, Measurable, Achivable, Relevant, Time bound).

Specific - specific. From the statement of the problem it should be clear what exactly needs to be done, what result to get. One task implies one result, otherwise these are two different tasks.
Measurable - measurable. A clear criterion of success should be laid down in the wording, allowing one to make an unambiguous conclusion - the task is completed or not.
Achievable is affordable. Each to-do item and the list as a whole should be feasible throughout the day.
Relevant - meaningful. In other words, "do only that which brings a solid and important result."
Time bound - time limited. Since this is a to-do list for the day, the deadline for completing all tasks is limited to one day.

Examples of goals for the day
Development of task No. 1234
  1. ( β„– 1234)
  2. ( β„– 1234)

β„– 12352- β„– 1235
- β„– 1236- β„– 1236
β„– 1237β„– 1237

Shared SMART to-do list - these are the goals of the day.

How to implement?

Firstly. You need to choose a place to publish the goals of the day. Many tools suitable for this are used in development teams: chat in the messenger, google document, task in the task manager (Jira, YouTrack, etc.).
You can use a certain amount of development resources and create functionality for this. At VseInstrumenty.ru, this is implemented on the corporate portal.

The undoubted advantage of such a solution is the ability to implement automatic notifications about the need to complete goals, put marks on completion, build a summary report for the day, for the week, use flexible visibility settings, etc.

Secondly.Choose the time for completing goals and progress marks, for example, daily until 10:00. It is advisable that the goals be completed closer to the beginning of the working day. If the team works on a flexible schedule, i.e. Someone starts working at 8:00, and someone at 11:00, someone who works from 11:00, it makes sense to fill in the goals in the evening. It is advisable to make progress notes as tasks are completed. If at the end of the day it was not possible to achieve any goals, a mark should also be made about this.


When working with the goals of the day, it is extremely important to strictly follow the faultless policy, i.e. never in any form criticize an employee if he has not completed the plan. It is important that employees trust this tool as their daily log and really write there everything they plan to do in a day. Attempts to use the goals of the day for control will inevitably lead to the fact that team members will begin to selectively write down their plans and the benefits of maintaining such a list of things will come to naught.

In our company, the goals of the day have proven their effectiveness. This tool is used by both IT and other units. This further improves the interaction, allows you to stay in a single information field, feel like a team. And given the minimum cost of implementation, this tool can be recommended for all companies to try, regardless of type of activity and size.

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