#YAMYWork. A decision that may be right

This post is not technical, if you want to devote time exclusively to technical articles, do not read it.

Also, there will be no annoying word for the letter "k".

I want to call for one simple solution that does not require changes in plans, those who have the opportunity to do so.

Recently, a week from March 29 to April 3 in the Russian Federation was declared non-working. At the same time, companies of all sizes will be required to pay employees these days as labor days. In fact, the business was offered at their own expense to pay 5 days of stopping the labor process (!!!).

Unfortunately, our reality is that many entrepreneurs from different fields in the face of falling demand are forced to make ends meet. We will inevitably see many closures and job losses. And, unfortunately, now not everything depends on us.

But I want us to influence what depends. I am not an expert in the field of virology and medicine and I have no right to urge someone to leave home. My knowledge in the field of economics and management is also far from the standard. But I'm sure proactivethe position of each of us (paired with common sense) can positively affect how we continue to live after these times pass.

Therefore, if:

  1. You are healthy
  2. You do not have technical restrictions on working from home or your work, including the path, does not imply contact with people
  3. You do not care about the well-being of yourself, your loved ones and your country

Let's work!

I think, I will not be mistaken if I assume that the majority of users of Habr are connected with labor activity which can be partially or almost completely carried out remotely. Perhaps it is your awareness and refusal to suddenly (and undeservedly) fall out that will save your company (and therefore a number of dependent entities, and therefore the entire economy) from an unenviable fate. The president said "sit at home." Let's sit at home and work honestly!

Sorry for the non-technical post, but I believe that there is the most relevant audience.

Good health to all!

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