A selection of VR helmets for industrial applications

Most often, people buy a virtual reality helmet (VR) in order to use it for entertainment. After all, the Steam, Oculus Store and Windows platforms are familiar to everyone by a huge number of games! However, there is currently a growing demand for industrial VR, the capabilities of which allow specialists from various fields to work collectively with 3D models of the necessary objects in virtual reality. Entire departments of development and innovation appear in the world and in Russia with large corporations, whose task is to painlessly introduce new technologies into the business processes such as artificial intelligence, cloud solutions, and, of course, virtual reality. For example, over the past 2 years, such departments as Sberbank, Lanit, Sibur and Gazprom have created their virtual reality implementation departments.

In order to start using virtual reality, you need to purchase the appropriate equipment: a powerful computer and a virtual reality helmet.

The question arises, what kind of VR helmet to choose for industrial tasks?

Our team interviewed users of virtual reality helmets and prepared for you an overview of the best VR headsets.

The most advanced VR helmets require the use of additional positioning stations, which enable the helmet to determine its position with greater accuracy. Thanks to them, the helmet has no restrictions on the number of monitored objects and their position relative to the user. This article will consider only those helmets that are connected to a computer for work (the minimum configuration of which is Core i7, 16 GB, Geforce GTX 1060), since only they are suitable for working with 3D, CAD or BIM models.


This helmet appeared due to the collaboration of HTC and Valve in 2015. According to UpLoadvr , citing Valve engineer Alan Yeats comment on the Reddit portal, there is evidence that even before Valve’s collaboration with HTC, Oculus copied the architecture of the prototype VR device that was provided by Valve's team to Oculus Rift CV1. However, there is still no reliable information about this episode in official sources. Later, the Valve team began to develop new devices with HTC, which resulted in the release of the new HTC VIVE VR helmet. The Oculus Rift and HTC VIVE helmets are similar in parameters. Both are equipped with AMOLED displays with a resolution of 2160 x 1200, a viewing angle of 110 ° and a refresh rate of 90 Hertz.

HTC VIVE helmets are most suitable for industrial VR tasks, namely for working with 3D models of large building structures. An active user of the HTC VIVE helmet, Artem Rykov, deputy director for development of AgroTechHolding Group of Companies, notes that when using a VR helmet, “the graininess in the picture is noticeable” . The specialist also fixes the presence of bugs: "Sometimes the picture disappears, as if it had left the visibility range of base stations for a short while . " If we talk about the pros, among others, the user of HTC VIVE notes that helmets have a low wear rate and tuning takes only about 15 minutes. Moreover, the helmet is quite comfortable to use for a long period of time.


An improved version of HTC VIVE Pro, released in 2018. The main difference from HTC VIVE is the total resolution of the screens increased from 2160x1200 to 2880x1600 pixels. That is, the main improvement was associated with the image quality for users. In addition, the Vive Pro headset has its own built-in headphones, as well as two additional cameras and microphones. The viewing angle of the model remained the same as that of HTC VIVE - 110 degrees.

IT journalist Andrei Pugachev is actively testing the device and notes that the tracking quality of HTC VIVE Pro is quite good. “If there is a lot of free space, then it reads perfectly. However, the maximum possible space is only 7 by 7 meters.

The controllers are easy to use and fit well in the hand. Thanks to the built-in sound card, it is possible to produce hi-fi sound. Headphones built into the helmet, although they provide surround sound, do not completely isolate external noise, ”
commented the journalist. Of the minuses, Andrei Pugachev notes: “The main side effect with prolonged use may be a feeling of altered reality, since the brain is weaned from the way objects are displayed in real life . In 2019, a modified version of HTC VIVE Pro Eye entered the market; the new model was endowed with a function for tracking the user's eyes.
In the article we will also consider VR-helmet models that do not require positioning stations, since these helmets are tracked thanks to the built-in cameras. This technology is called Inside-Out. The next helmet just uses this technology.

HTC Vive Cosmos

The latest innovation from HTC VIVE. This model appeared in the fall of 2019. VIVE Cosmos has a Fast LCD display with a full-RGB structure and a resolution of 2880 x 1700, which makes the device’s screen very clear and bright. The use of a VR helmet is commented by President of Modum Lab Dmitry Kirillov:“The first thing that immediately sets it off is a unique“ visor ”design. Now it has become very convenient to use a helmet, because you can look at the world around you without taking it off your head. Impressed by the resolution and brightness of the picture, there is no effect of a “blurred” image. Pleased with the lack of additional devices for tracking space, although sometimes there were problems with recognition of controllers (small “brakes” when leaving the “dead zone”). The initial setup of the device via the vive port is a bit complicated, you cannot call it intuitive. But in general, it is felt that this is the next generation device and manufacturers took into account many wishes of users of virtual reality systems in it .

Oculus rift

If we talk more about the ancestor of the consumer version of the Oculus Rift VR-helmets, then, as already noted, it is inferior to HTC VIVE. Among the shortcomings, users noted that the tracking quality of the device (a system for tracking the user's position in space) was not very good, since only 2 sensors were attached to the helmet, which did not always cope, for example, with a sharp turn of a person. Moreover, the batteries (AA) in the controllers were only enough for a few days of active use. Of the advantages of the device, a very convenient form of controllers was appreciated by many. Also, users noted the absence of obvious bugs during long sessions. In 2019, an updated version of the device was released - Oculus Rift S, but there were no significant changes, in addition,that Oculus this time abandoned the positioning stations and integrated the cameras in the helmet.

HP Reverb

This device belongs to the helmets of the Windows Mixed Reality line, released in partnership between Microsoft and Acer, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Asus and Samsung. HP Reverb is the second generation of VR VR helmets.

The main advantage of this device compared to all competitors is the highest resolution of the display in 4K, 114 ° viewing angle, as well as built-in spatial sound and two microphones. The weight of the helmet is only 433 grams, which is very important for prolonged use. “The resolution is very high and it is immediately noticeable. One of the best among the massive VR helmets on the market. The viewing angle is comfortable, and does not cause the user to feel “in the tunnel” ”- Denis Zakharkin, VR Concept CEO, comments on the use of the VR helmet. However, when working with this headset, you need to keep in mind that, despite the fact that the HP Reverb controllers work perfectly with Inside-Out technology, the position of the controllers is tracked only in the field of view of the cameras on the helmet.

Samsung HMD Odyssey +

The next Windows Mixed Reality helmet is the Samsung HMD Odyssey +. The main advantage of the Samsung HMD Odyssey + is a 3.5-inch AMOLED display with a combined resolution of 2880 × 1600. Also, according to Samsung, thanks to the Anti-Screen Door Effect (Anti-SDE) technology, a person does not see pixels in the headset display.

An active user of the headset, Pavel Vorobyev, an engineer in the sector of research organization of students at the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, notes that the image quality is really good and “the sound is quite high-quality and loud . However, tracking the Samsung HMD Odyssey + helmet in poor lighting conditions is poor.“This is not a shortcoming of a specific model, but a general drawback of headsets that do not use external tracking sensors. Tracking in good light is 5/5, but it does not track well outside the visibility of the helmet cameras. At dusk - ⅘. In the dark - ⅕ "" - Paul shares his impressions.

Valve index

In 2019, Valve, the owner of the Steam gaming library, which was one of the first helmets for Oculus and HTC, released its first Valve Index helmet. This type of VR helmet is more suitable for the gaming industry and is sharpened for use by users of the Steam VR gaming library. Maximum immersion in a virtual environment provides good image quality, which is achieved thanks to 2 LCD displays 1440x1600 pixels per eye. The new headset has unique controllers. “At the moment, Valve Index controllers are among the most accurate. They can track not only the position of the hands in space, but also the movement of the fingers relative to the controller. "- Nikita Ivanov, Technical Director of Virtuality Club Group, comments on the situation. However, this solution is still quite expensive and requires the use of base stations.

Pimax 5K Plus

The latest development of the Chinese company Pimax is the Pimax 5K Plus helmet, which currently has the largest viewing angle of 200 °. The image quality is also impressive - a resolution of 2560x1440 pixels in one eye. However, at present Pimax does not have its own controllers; they will appear closer to the end of 2020. This VR helmet can work with Vive, Vive Pro and Valve Index controllers. When using a helmet, the user can select those controllers that will be convenient for him. Moreover, for an ordinary user, a full setup will take no more than 15-20 minutes.

For the Pimax helmet to work, you need to install PiTool software, then install SteamVR and configure the room according to the instructions. At the moment, hand tracking is carried out at the expense of controllers, but in the near future Pimax will announce a module for capturing and tracking hands, which will be attached to the helmet.

We talked about the most popular virtual reality helmets that are used to solve industrial problems. From our point of view, the HTC VIVE Pro helmet is the ideal option for stationary use in terms of tracking and image quality, convenience and affordability. In our office, we just use it. And if we talk about a mobile solution for business trips, field presentations, then HP Reverb is more suitable here, since it is much easier to transport somewhere, since this VR-helmet does not have positioning stations that you need to carry with you, attach at Mounting on a tripod or wall. Yes, the quality of tracking (which is best achieved precisely due to external tracking stations) will be slightly worse, but in terms of ease of transportation and stability, this is the best option on the market.In addition, the HP Reverb is not as bulky as the HTC VIVE, so putting it on is more convenient, which was especially appreciated by the female half of our team. Naturally, we also have it in our arsenal.

We will be happy to know your experience with VR helmets. Especially if you use them not for games ;-)

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