All roads lead to Fullstack

Three developers met at the crossroads of JavaScript frameworks. They look - the boulder lies, and there are pointers on it: to the left - React.js , to the right - Node.js , you will go straight ahead - you will become Fullstack JS . The developers began to argue which path to choose, and each one had their own truth ... Today you will hear a tale about three different JavaScript courses and, perhaps, you will recognize yourself in one of our heroes.

The first developer was Ilya. He was an experienced front-end, but he wanted not only at the front, but also at home to be useful, so that he could cope with simple tasks himself - configure the servers there, screw the API here. The second, Dobrynya, was a pro in the backend - he could build-assemble anything! The team of the soul did not look for him, but no, he wanted some feat of appreciable, tangible: at least a button to make or an interactive form for people to use. The third, Alyosha, just recently began his journey in development, but immediately set about trying to become a jack of all trades: so that, as they say, both to the front, and to the back, and to good users.

Alyosha calls his fellow travelers:

- Let's go to the Fullstack JavaScript course together ? You also aspire to full-stack developers!

Ilya and Dobrynya are watching the program and are tormented by doubts.

- I don’t need to study the frontend. I've been using these techniques for a long time, ”Ilya shakes his head.
- And to me what a convenient tool for the front just. I myself can teach the backend myself, ”Dobrynya notes.

Thought, thought, and went to OTUS City to ask Alexander Korzhikov, course leader at Fullstack JS, for advice .

- Fullstack developers are held in high esteem. So we want to become such universal specialists. What do you recommend, Alexander?

— : «» . , JavaScript, , . , . , , .

, JavaScript . 2019 : JavaScript — 8 000 , Java — 6 300 .
- , — . IT- , .

, , , :

  • Fullstack JS — , JavaScript. . — 75% .
  • The React.js course is especially for those who want to become the gurus of React.js - almost the standard of the modern world front-end. However, it is worthwhile to get acquainted with JavaScript in advance, for example, take our preparatory courses "JavaScript for beginners . "
  • Node.js - you can go deep into this framework with the front-end or full-stack to cope with more complex tasks in the backend. And in general, this technology is in demand in the development of the backend and is a very real competition for PHP.

The developers asked to tell how the courses have evolved and changed from launch to launch.

«Fullstack JS» . — , . Node.js — .

. . :

  • , React Hooks
  • 2 TypeScript.
  • Svelte
  • Polymer Lit-HTML. 2 Polymer, , 1,5 Lit-HTML
  • , Angular . , : JavaScript .

Node.js , , : , ..

React — , Fullstack JS.

React.js . , , , — , .

, — , .

. , SVG. SVG -, : SVG, HTML, .

, - . « » React.js . — , JavaScript -.

The developers realized that even though the goal is to master the skills and the front-end, and the back-end they have in common, the paths must still be different. And you are offered to choose the Fullstack JavaScript , React.js or Node.js course , which is more suitable for your tasks and circumstances. To better understand whether the course suits you, take the entrance test - after it you will be taken to a closed professional community where you can ask all clarifying questions directly to teachers and graduates of past streams .

Here’s the end of the story, and whoever passes the test and enters the course is well done and will be able to save on training, while the OTUS offer is still valid with discounts of 20%.

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