Market audience data segment of online advertising and marketing. Part. 2. Statistics

We continue to publish the results of the study of the market of audience data in the segment of online advertising and marketing for 2019, prepared by our company CleverDATA and the Association for the Development of Financial Technologies

Earlier we told how the legislation in the field of audience data has changed in Russia and abroad, and in this article we will present market statistics. The report is based on the professional experience of our experts and the statistics of the 1DMC site, the developer and operator of which we are. It does not pretend to be a comprehensive review and is designed to disseminate the information available to us that may be of interest to market participants.


The statistics that we provide below are prepared on the basis of the work of the platform , because, unfortunately, there are no statistics for the entire market in principle.

When interpreting our data, the following features should be considered:

  • values ​​refer solely to the dynamics of data monetization scenarios, in which classroom data is transferred from the supplier to the advertising platform or to the end consumer using the platform;
  • statistics are used only for the participants of the site
  • The business model and development history of the site, its technical and functional features have a significant impact on these indicators.

The data exchange operates according to the marketplace model in accordance with the following principles. 

  • Data processing is carried out in a distributed mode, raw data is processed in the suppliers' circuit and only analytical data is exchanged.
  • Each data exchange is executed in the form of a “transaction” on the platform.
  • Suppliers fully control the exchange process within each transaction, manage the price and other exchange parameters.
  • The exchange provides only data delivery, statistics, billing, data protection, monitors compliance with the law and conducts contractual work.

The objective of this study is to identify and highlight key market trends. From this point of view, the given statistics are quite representative and reflects market trends and its dynamics as a whole.

Transaction statistics

In 2019, the total flow of data exchange between suppliers and consumers at increased by 135% in total volume. The overall growth dynamics of the site since its opening in 2016 is as follows:

Shares of each data delivery tool in 2019:

  • LaL is a Look-alike segment.
  • Delivery - delivery of your own 1st party data.
  • Profiles - enriching your own audience with external data from suppliers.
  • Segments - purchase of audience segments from external suppliers.

Ad Platform Dynamics

The main channels for monetizing audience data are the largest advertising platforms of recent years: Google, Yandex,

In 2019, leads in the share of delivered data:

Compared to 2018, the share of has almost doubled due to a reduction in the shares of the Yandex and Google platforms:

In terms of third-party data delivery tools, it can be noted that myTarget mainly delivers end segments, while the LaL segment dominates on other platforms.

According to the share of delivery of their own data (1st party data) GetIntent and Yandex are the leaders in retargeting:

Instrument Dynamics

Compared to 2018, in 2019 the following redistribution of shares of instruments took place:

A significant increase in the Profiles tool is associated with an increase in the number of data providers / buyers working with “stable” class identifiers.

Dynamics of exchange participants

In 2019, the volume of the database of data providers increased by 67%.

At the same time, the following changes were observed by types of data providers:

More suppliers began to sell their data directly and independently, new suppliers appeared in the eCommerce and OFD sectors, and the number of suppliers from the Publishers sector also increased slightly.

 The number of data consumers for the year increased by 17%.

In the general division of the share of data consumption (taking into account the volume of consumption) by types of consumers, the share of agencies has grown significantly, which are actively building up their competencies in working with data and form separate teams:

If we evaluate the intensity of data exchange between suppliers and consumers by the volume of data flow, we can get a “data consumption matrix”, which for 2018 looked like this:

It can be seen that in 2018, agencies mainly used the “Baskets” data, advertising platforms - data from publishers and media platforms, and players in the e-commerce sector exchanged data within their segment.

Basket here means combining the data of several suppliers, if within the framework of the "transaction" there is a combination of data from several suppliers to expand the segment.

In 2019, the picture has changed a bit:

Agencies have greatly increased the share of branded data consumption of external DMP platforms and the share of CRF data usage, and the eCommerce players' data consumption has been redistributed between their colleagues and the Basket aggregated data.

We are ready to discuss the data presented with you. We hope that they were interesting to you, and are ready to answer questions.
It will be great if other market participants share their statistics. We invite you to work together.

Terms and Definitions
1st party data, : , , : e-mail, display, video, mobile . CRM- . E-mail , – . , . , , , , .
2nd party datadigital . second-party data, (first-party data) . , , ; CRM ( ).
3rd party data, , . . , , , -, . - third-party data.
Demand-side platform (DSP)() . , , -, .
Device ID.
IDFA, , . Apple (IDFA) iOS .
Look-alike (LaL). ( , , ) , 1st, 2nd 3rd party () .
MAC-, (, ) ( . media access control, MAC).
Match rate( / ).
Offline data, - (CRM, , -), , : , , e-mail, . . ., . . - .
Online data, - (DMP, DSP, SSP), , : cookie, device ID .
Programmatic, - , .
/, (, , lifestyle . .).
/, : , , , . .
, . , , , – / « ».
(cookies), - -. , .
: , (, , ). , , . .
, (. . ., ) .
(DMP), , (1st, 2nd, 3rd), () . DMP . , . DMP DSP, SSP, CRM (), CMS ( ), DCO ( ), (Ad Server).
, . : , , . .
/, , .
, , . : , ( ) – Raw Data Suppliers, , – Processed Data Suppliers. , , , . (, , ).
, , , - .
, , , B2C- . .
/, (, - . .).
(, . .).

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