What you need to create the ideal model of an educational center for training IT-specialists


Effective education is about a student who easily and quickly mastered ZUNK (knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies), acquired a working tool to achieve his goals, implemented all this in everyday activities and got a high-quality result. Not every educational institution can provide a student with a highly effective, comprehensive learning system. Consider the points of the characteristics of such a model.

Blended Learning (Blended Learning)

The combination of two forms - full-time (20%) and online (80%). The system allows you to personalize training (students control the time, place, trajectory and pace of the educational process). The online form includes the entire educational process in the complex. Full-time form includes an introductory part, acquaintance with teachers, mentors and other employees of the center, the development of some soft skills, laboratory work, the final assignment, and internship.Learn more about blended learning: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixed_Training

Adaptive learning system

Automatic adaptation of the educational system and content to the capabilities and needs of the student. Real-time response to the results of an individual student and his actions in the system. Example - www.knewton.com service

Guidance on the main learning objectives

Example: 1. Get programming experience; 2. Get a job as a programmer and gain a foothold in the workplace.


80% of practice, 20% of theory.

Short-term programs

The maximum duration is up to 6 months. Optimization is due to the fact that the course contains a core of knowledge, the most necessary, practical, without husks.

Effective teachers

The teachers of the center are leading practitioners of IT companies, trainers, mentors. An effective teacher is a combination of the roles of a diagnostician, consultant, motivator, mentor, source of information.

Material Update

Constant updating of the training program, training materials. Adapting existing content to new challenges.


The use of game methods in the learning process.

Interview with potential students. Career guidance

It is very important to find out the motives, goals and expectations of the student in order to help him choose the optimal program and subject (course) of study

Good student motivation system

Additional motivation of students by an order of magnitude increases the effectiveness of learning.

Online internship at an educational center

After graduation, the student undergoes an internship in the center. Under the guidance of a specialist, he creates (alone or in a group) a real project, which will subsequently be placed in his portfolio. This will give the student a significant advantage when applying for a job.

Guaranteed employment of graduates

Organization by an educational center (or other outsourced structure) of the performance of all the functions of a recruitment agency, which will result in the student being employed by the company and successfully secured in the post. The second option (if the student chooses freelance) - help and support until receiving the first order

Updated online training manual

After graduation, the student gets access to an online training manual with a detailed description of the entire course (theory, practice, assignments, bibliography for advanced training, etc.). It is very important that the information in it is updated over time. Thus, the student always has relevant training material.

Student advisory support

The training package includes a certain number of expert consultations that the student can use after completing the educational process to deepen and advance in his topic.

Availability of a business / startup incubator

A separate project of the educational center is aimed at an audience of students who want to develop their IT business, create a startup. The project contains a standard set of business incubator functions.

Career support of a graduate (mentoring)

Opportunity for a graduate to purchase the “mentoring” option (hire a specialist) for successful career advancement. Payment can be either fixed or as a% of the graduate’s salary.


Different forms of student loan center

Soft skills training programs

For successful implementation in an IT career or business, not only hard, but also soft skills are very important for a specialist. The educational center can give these programs in the form of master classes or trainings.

Custom training

The educational center may enter into preliminary contracts with employing companies for the preparation of entire teams. Newly arrived students can be offered the option of special training (base + skills tailored for the future employer). Selected students will be united in a team and after training they will receive ready-made contracts for work.


10% of students study for free. You can determine using the lottery or use the target program (note for the poor, super talents, etc.)

Social program for people from low-income families

There may be a different format: installments, a significant discount on tuition, free tuition, followed by payment of the course price as% of salary (for employment after training).

Direction Mature adults (education for people over 50-55 years old)

A growing trend and a very socially important direction.

Specialized training program for people with disabilities (note with speech and hearing impairment)

Very socially important and underestimated by businessmen direction. In the CIS, this is done by only one company. People with such disabilities can also do their job effectively, just like ordinary people. Be sure to give them a chance to get a quality education and good work.

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