Coronavirus: online information services

Coronavirus COVID-19 is a new challenge for all of humanity. The world has never been so excited about its health and the global economy as it is now. Anxiety and panic - these are the emotions that people experience. It is absolutely normal to worry, panic and worry. We are all afraid of being infected by a ruthless and merciless virus that can painfully kill. There is a chance to survive with coronavirus, as well as a chance to be completely destroyed by it. If you strongly succumb to these negative emotions, you can begin to monitor everything in a row and listen to the strange tips of new bloggers. For example, eat a lot of garlic or stock up on an incredible amount of buckwheat and toilet paper.

Indeed, we need panic and anxiety so that we can quickly make a decision. For example, staying home during quarantine and going out only in case of urgent need, not forgetting to wear a mask. But sometimes it happens that panic and anxiety play a trick on us if we start to give in to them. And then mass hysteria begins, a lot of common fake news on social networks or the purchase of 10 rolls of toilet paper instead of a meal for a month or two. Therefore, try not to panic, keep calm, wash your hands more often and follow reliable sources of information.

UFO Care Minute

The pandemic COVID-19, a potentially severe acute respiratory infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (2019-nCoV), has officially been announced in the world. There is a lot of information on Habrรฉ on this topic - always remember that it can be both reliable / useful, and vice versa.

We urge you to be critical of any published information.

Official sources

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Wash your hands, take care of your loved ones, stay at home whenever possible and work remotely.

Read publications about: coronavirus | remote work

In this article, we will talk about ways to independently monitor the latest pandemic data and share with you our selection of proven and reliable online services from around the world:

CSSE Online Map

CSSE's online map is the most popular source of information to track the 2019-nCoV coronavirus distribution. It was developed by the American Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE). The service interface regularly displays current data received from WHO and the centers for the fight against the virus in the USA, China and Europe. On the map, red dots show the foci of coronavirus spread, there is information on the number of confirmed cases of the disease, as well as the number of deaths and recoveries.

Map from Bing

Map from the Bing search engine team (Microsoft) - you can see your news feed about each infected country by clicking on it.

Dangerstats.liveor a coronavirus test will help investigate your chance of getting COVID-19 as a percentage. This test is not accurate, since no one can guarantee 100% safety against coronavirus. Unfortunately, 2019-nCoV is not the only threat to your health. This test is good in that every person in any country and at any age can see what can threaten their health compared to other risks for her / him. To find out about your risks, you need to specify the age, country of residence, gender and disease about which you know exactly. Then you will receive an answer in the form of percentages from which there is a chance to die, from which there is a chance to become infected or what you can really get sick, taking into account the factors of your area, your gender and your illnesses. The site was created to counter the panic around the COVID-19 virus and encourages people to think sensibly. Therefore,no need to buy up all the toilet paper emptying the store shelves! The main message of the site is that our life is based not only on material values.

[LIVE] Real Time Counter On World Map

Coronovirus Stream is a non-standard way to find out about 2019-nCoV. A 40-year-old dentist who previously worked as a programmer updates the map with infected and dead people. Periodically, the screen displays current information. Watch live broadcasts only through YouTube.

And of course, first of all, always check and trust only official sources:

World Health Organization

Once a day, the World Health Organization publishes the official report on the spread of coronavirus 2019-nCoV in different countries of the world. In most cases, this is the information most media and services use to monitor the situation.

European Center for Disease Prevention and Control

The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control also updates data on new infected and victims of coronavirus every day.

Do not be ill! Follow WHO precautions! Be healthy!

If you know useful sources that were not included in the list, please share the links in the comments.

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