Hedgehog in the fog


A wave of excitement around the virus on K reached the bottom of Habr, hitting even such scribblers from under the nail like me. But still I can self-abase in another place, I will pass to the point.

When another threat looms over humanity, either in a panic, which everyone knows is the best enemy in such a situation, or simply because of distracted attention, many do not notice the threat as the truth, preferring to pay attention to the most obvious one. So, if we take a local example from our realities, not many people wondered what the disbandment of the USSR would bring, many were more concerned with the fact itself than its consequences, namely the crisis. Crisis is actually much deeper and more serious than it seems, because it affects all sectors of the economy, which, given strong globalization, will not affect people's lives in the best way. The production, the basis of the economy will collapse, the service and the service sector, which rests on it, will fall, which will lead to a natural decline in everything, science, medicine, education, and the cultural level of the population. And all these destructive processes have a huge impact,in the long run, which of course does not bode well.

However, I just spoke about abstractions, so beloved by everyone, but so far I have not indicated the true message of this note. The Internet and globalization, this is undoubtedly one of the greatest blessings of mankind, which, as it usually happens, turned against him. In a ton of completely useful (not sarcasm) information, many did not think at all: what exactly is a real threat, what exactly will bring us pain and suffering? And the answer here is simple - the world capitalist, although not at all the first and quite expected, crisis. Already, a wave of mass layoffs, production shutdowns, and unauthorized workers leaving their jobs has been launched (this is not an exaggeration; there are already a couple of cases, which will subsequently be several times larger). It is the crisis, the true threat, which will bring far more troubles than the pandemic that it results in. Of course,without exaggeration, the virus is dangerous, and you need to fight it, but do not forget about the real enemy, who, by the way, was creeping up on us long before the epidemic (this contradicts me a bit, because earlier I wrote that the crisis is a consequence, but in essence, the virus will only accelerate the onset and consequences of this crisis).

But this is not empty, a post whose author wanted to share his longing. Habr is a platform on which they talk and write about technologies, therefore I cannot help but touch them, since they are directly related to the problem under consideration. The Internet, which helps people to cooperate and bring useful knowledge to each other, is mainly filled with small companies and firms that rely on the support of an audience, a large manufacturing business, or the state, which makes these companies very vulnerable to the realities of the recession, so many of them, either go bankrupt or undergo major changes due to lack of funds. It is clear that Google, Microsoft, Amazon, though they will survive with small but small losses, but here are small organizations, on which everything is held and is unlikely to hold on to their positions.After all, already in the world there has been a tendency of skepticism towards startups, and in the light of recent events, this phenomenon will only intensify, which will lead to stagnation of the entire industry, because startups, small and completely helpless, bring new ideas to the world, namely they, and the small one businesses in general are the drivers of progress.

However, continuing in the same vein, I risk simply provoking the readerโ€™s longing instead of thoughtful thoughts, if they even appear in the light of a bit of a chaotic narrative. Therefore, I will not continue to continue.

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