GoToHome: isolate and program

With the code and dumb code: 100 hours of programming, 50 hours of video and chat socialization, 1 completed project.

By canceling the out-of-school school, we changed into an experimental format - an online camp in the form of an intensive programming program for isolated citizens, without leaving the monitor.

We’ll make an attempt to keep a piece of the soul in online format by evening communication, and to slightly dilute the world of ubiquitous castdev and business with projects β€œfoolish” - meaningless and not very, but no less, and maybe more interesting from a technical point of view.


10 days with virtual goats, filters for the scanner, dull drivers for the printer, a torrent TV and other absurdities with no less excellent evening socialization in the form of a joint ferment of cabbage, pickling eggs, gamma and codrev.

How is GoToHome online school organized?

All participants are waiting for an individual or team project for 10 days.

Each project will have 2 curators and round-the-clock support in the work on the project.

Canvas of daily procedures is simple:

14: 00-15: 00 Personal feedback on codrev (optional)
15: 00-16: 00 Consultation and discussions
16: 00-18: 00 Work on the project with constant access to the curator
18: 00-19 : 00 Consultation and discussions
19: 00-21: 00 Work on the project with constant access to the curator
21: 00-22: 00 Structured socialization (optional)
22: 00-00: 00 Free swimming with access to curators (optional)
00: 00 - Deadline for submitting tasks and code


Participants can offer their ideas or choose from the ones prepared by us, correlating the experience with the project under the strict guidance of the curators. University professors and developers from Yandex, Amazon, and others will be curators. You can get

inspired and appreciate the complexity of the absurdity of projects from this outline of ideas :

Good morning,username. Tegalka for chats in a telegram. Able to understand fuzzy predicates (@ everything, @ online, @ vania) and call the right people in the chat.

Petty OfficerPrinter. A printer driver that swears at a document.

First channel. Jetix channel fire, but it was closed. Let's make our own TV channel that will stream torrents. And you can manage it with a chat bot.

/ dev / cat. We will be saved from loneliness by a cat. Let `echo ^ _ ^> / dev / cat` say meow!

Brainfac on a leaf. Nuff said.

Countertop. Let's play board games, write bots and a library for multiplayer and revive our game - an unknown mix of hearthstone, manchikin and bunker.

TabTooMuch.If you sit at a computer for a long time, you can open many tabs and never close them. A browser add-on that closes a random tab once every half an hour, if there are more than ten.

CRYPTO3000. A cryptographic algorithm that passes statistical tests (or even verification).

Virtual goat. At field schools we milk goats. To do this, you need to get up at six, get instructed by the milkmaid, and proceed. We’ll write a goat web simulator so that participants in this school can share the experience.

Carpet. A virtual camera with the removal of the background and replacing it with whatever your heart desires. 

Snake. Haskell Snake.

Shodan teaser. Search the text in the video and generate a teaser of interesting things from open sources on the Internet.

Merry Suck. Virtual room and algorithms for a robot cleaner. Farm Frenzy x Sims x Tanchiki x AI research.

Minibus A guide to unknown exhibits of Russian museums with the construction of trajectories on request with a bonus in the form of work with large databases. 

Resume. Service for generating a suitable resume or checking for common fakapy.

And some more rudimentary primaries for the further flight of ideas
β€” «»
β€” (tor over n hops): , adversary,
β€” myCryptoLoveLove verified
β€” always-on ( apple watch heartbeat)
β€” ?? , , etc
β€” /
β€” ethled: , ethernet
β€” truebass: ,
β€” audiografana:
β€” PPrivateBrowsing: (, ) , /
β€” / DSL
β€” ,
β€” todomvc / spring+kubernetes+iam+,,,
β€” wireguard-js / browser is the new os
β€” vpn
β€” dragon ball
β€” crabs:
β€” : . . ,
β€” -
β€” chatroulette
β€” as a service: ,
β€” 2
β€” ar-

Structured socialization

The program has all the wonders of online leisure:

  • online master classes from prep: kvasim cabbage, pickle eggs, chop firewood, etc.
  • broadcasts from unexpected corners of the earth
  • candles and intimate conversations
  • gamble with prep
  • wonder quests
  • reading plays, shooting short films, without leaving home


Applications are accepted here .

Questions about the program can be asked here . You can participate in part, write.

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