Natural Coronavirus 2019-nCoV Treatment Protocol

In this short article I cite a list of candidates for medicines already available in pharmacies, as well as natural remedies that soften the course of the disease and treat the Sars-cov 2 coronavirus.
All funds are confirmed by the links in the pub-med (the largest database of scientific publications - more than 80 million articles on biology and medicine ) Funds were derived for the study of genes, the expression of which changes in response to the penetration of the virus into the host cell .


For those who are in quarantine, I propose to listen to a new track: “It is perfect, but there is one minus - it has a coronavirus”

On the habr in the popular science section, they write a lot about space. The next article will be about starships: thesis - we fly to Toliman. Bassard Engine - This is a once-through collider ship that sucks in interstellar gas, particles collide and flies out to the particle zoo.

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