Biogelx and the role of its bio-ink in modern bioprinting


The segment of medical additive technologies is multifaceted and includes 3D printing of medical devices, anatomical models, prostheses and much more. In this area, bioprinting is far from last. Bioprinting technologies, which appeared not so long ago, managed to gain the interest of both specialists and ordinary citizens, thanks to their huge potential in drug development, screening, therapeutic treatment and regenerative medicine. Many people think only about what this field of medicine will be capable of in the future, but let's dwell on the present moment.

We interviewed bioprint leaders from around the world and asked them what they consider to be the most significant in it today. Many note the importance of the Scottish company Biogelx, a manufacturer of bio-ink.

Biogelx was founded in 2013 as a division of the Scottish University of Strathclyde. This company is one of the organizations that develop and produce bioprinting materials. In April 2019, she introduced her first line of synthetic bio-ink.


While working on the creation of biomaterials, the company considers bio-ink as one of the main components for the successful promotion of bio-printing products.

β€œHere at Biogelx, we are interested in creating and disseminating new technologies, or more precisely, bio-ink technologies, because they help create fully-functioning fabrics. These tissues can both be used to replace damaged and diseased tissues of the body, and serve as alternative materials of non-animal origin for testing drugs and cosmetics.

Bio-ink is a complex material that for each case must have the appropriate mechanical and biological properties suitable for modeling native tissue. Ideally, when the material meets a number of parameters, demonstrating compatibility with many types of cells, and can mechanically adapt to different types of tissue. We can print complex materials that are in demand like never before, and which allow us to create full-fledged 3D structures. The ability of the material to adapt allows optimizing Biogelx products for any printing method, and, for example, an indicator such as viscosity can be changed depending on the needs of the customer, ”
Biogelx representatives say.

In this area, the company of the University of Strathclyde sees significant potential, because bio-inks based on hydrogel have excellent compatibility and biodegradability. Bio-ink has an undoubted advantage: they facilitate the process of recognition of cells, as well as their movement, growth and integration.


β€œNow interest in the development of new recipes and bio-ink materials is only growing, and it will continue to grow as the technology improves. Due to the growing interest in bio-ink, the need for improving the measurement of their quality and applicability is growing, which will soon lead to the introduction of standardization in their use. More ways to use bio-ink will appear. We believe that the development of, for example, a new 3D-printed skin will be an excellent way to demonstrate the capabilities of Biogelx, ”the
company explained.

Last year, Biogelx strengthened its position in the bioprinting market, expanded its reseller network and established partnerships with companies in this field around the world. Today Biogelx products are used in several areas, including for screening drugs. It is in this area - during the development, testing and verification of pharmaceuticals - there is the greatest need to create more advanced in vitro screening methods.

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: technology and printers

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