Which of the developers living in the same city earns more: working remotely or in the office?

At the beginning of last year, we compared the salaries of remote and office employees for 2017-2018. and found that remote employees in the regions earn on average 40% more office workers. Now that enough data has accumulated, we decided to compare the salaries of remote workers and office employees for 2019 and continue to do this annually. So we can track the trend in the difference in salaries and see in which city it is more profitable to work remotely, and in which - in the office.

For the study, we took the data left in the Habr Career salary calculator for the last year. By the way, if you have not left your salary in 2020, we invite you to do so .

Salaries of remote and office developers from the same city

To begin with, the main question: which of the developers living in the same city earns more: working remotely or in the office?

In all cities, except Moscow, the salary of remote workers is higher than the salaries of those who work in the office, and in St. Petersburg the salaries are almost equal.

The highest salaries are received by remote developers living in Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk and Moscow. Moreover, the salaries of remote workers of Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk are equal to the salaries of office developers in Moscow.

We see that in all major cities except Moscow and St. Petersburg it is more profitable to work remotely. Now let's see in which cities it is most profitable.

The conclusions are as follows:

  1. The biggest difference in salaries in Krasnoyarsk is where remote developers earn 2.7 times more than office workers. In second place is Volgograd with a difference of 2.3 times.
  2. - , .
  3. , .

2019 2017-18

Now let's see if the difference between the salary of remote and office work remains in time. We put on the data of 2019 the data of our last report for 2017-2018.

In Moscow, the remote salary remains below the office salary, but the gap has narrowed. In St. Petersburg, it used to be slightly lower than the office one, and in 2019 it caught up with it or even got a little bigger.

In Krasnoyarsk and Volgograd and in 2017-2018. there was the biggest difference between remote and office salaries, and in 2019 it only intensified, and quite seriously. 

In Novosibirsk, Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod, the difference between the remote and office salaries has become a little more. In other cities, the difference decreased.

Developer median salaries for all cities

How has the developers salary changed for 2019?

In general, the salary of remote specialists for 2019 increased in all cities except Nizhny Novgorod, Samara and Chelyabinsk - in these cities it decreased, and in Rostov-on-Don remained unchanged. Especially strong growth occurred in Krasnoyarsk - the salary of remote developers in it grew by as much as 60%.

For developers working in the office, salaries also increased in all cities except Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don and Chelyabinsk, where it remained unchanged.

Main conclusions

  1. The biggest difference in salaries in Krasnoyarsk is where remote developers earn 2.7 times more than office workers. In second place is Volgograd with a difference of 2.3 times.
  2. In St. Petersburg, there is practically no difference in the salaries of remote and office developers; the latter earn a little more.
  3. In Moscow, working remotely is less profitable than in the office.
  4. Compared to 2017-18, in Moscow, the remote salary remains below the office salary, but the gap has narrowed. In St. Petersburg, it used to be slightly lower than the office one, and in 2019 it caught up with it or even got a little bigger.
  5. In Krasnoyarsk and Volgograd and in 2017-2018. there was the biggest difference between remote and office salaries, and in 2019 it only intensified, and quite seriously.
  6. In Novosibirsk, Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod, the difference between the remote and office salaries has become a little more. In other cities, the difference decreased.

By the way, on Habr Career, about 40% of vacancies offer remote work and about 64% of job seekers are willing to work remotely.
, , : https://career.habr.com/salaries/new

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