I want to start a blog, but I don’t have my own team. How to choose copywriting contractors?

Who owns the audience, then owns the world. At the moment, opinion leaders are easiest to monetize any project, because the attention of an already formed audience is riveted to everything that they do. This result is the dream of many entrepreneurs who want to "push the masses" their idea. Of course, this can be done for money, but such a maneuver will be quite expensive.

Let's imagine the situation - you have a cool project, but you need a platform to build it. There is not enough tool to popularize the idea. In this regard, everything is quite stable - do you want to get a viewing or reading audience? - start your blog. Today I will tell you how to do it, where to start and how not to fall asleep in a heap of tasks related to the promotion of your blog.

Recommended Tools for Query Implementation

  1. A personal blog in the form of a site is the most universal and autonomous platform. WordPress is recommended as a development platform. Promotion of such a blog requires the publication of 5 news a day for 2 months with prescribed Title, Description and tags, which are keywords along the way. The website promotion strategy is quite stable, so the webmaster will not have to adapt to the constantly changing developers' algorithms.
  2. Yandex.Zen - publish 2-3 materials a day, and get a page to recruit an audience.
  3. Social networks - a platform for communication with the audience of readers, but not the main source of information. This is a more interactive version of the blog, requiring a large investment of time and money in the production of content on the stream.
  4. The telegram channel is a convenient platform for recruiting an audience; it subsequently monetizes well.

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