Interest in the coronavirus COVID-19 on the Internet. What are they looking for, how much, where and how? Let's see Yandex.Wordstat and Google. Trends

Coronaviruses have been known for a long time, but only with the advent of COVID19 the interest in the new virus from the side of the inhabitants has increased hundreds of times. Of course, the merit lies in the media, and the influence of the virus itself with the peculiarities of its spread, and the attempts of states to prevent the spread of so far little-known infection and minimize damage.

The consequence of the interest of people in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries on the topic of coronavirus infection has become curious. As a basis, we take the data of the number of requests in the Yandex search engine:

Coronavirus query history

UFO Care Minute

The pandemic COVID-19, a potentially severe acute respiratory infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (2019-nCoV), has officially been announced in the world. There is a lot of information on Habré on this topic - always remember that it can be both reliable / useful, and vice versa.

We urge you to be critical of any published information.

Official sources

, .

Wash your hands, take care of your loved ones, stay at home whenever possible and work remotely.

Read publications about: coronavirus | remote work

Coronavirus query history

Coronavirus query history

The average number of requests for 2018-2019 is 133 units / month, January 2020 - 55,864 units (an increase of 420 times), February - 144,297 units / month. (2.5 times increase compared to the previous month and 1084 times relative to the average for the previous two years).

Of these, in the Russian Federation - 133 416 units, the CIS - 34 643 units.

Distribution of requests by city:

Coronavirus query history by city

Main interest - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk.

Graph of the relationship between the volume of requests:

Request volume relationship graph

A heatmap of the regional popularity of inquiries in the Russian Federation:

Heatmap of regional popularity of requests for the Russian Federation

A similar heatmap in the world for Russian-speaking inquiries:

A similar heatmap around the world regarding Russian-speaking queries

With the total number of requests in Yandex - 173,617, from mobile devices it was 132,218 (76%), and from desktop PCs - only 41,399 units (24%).

If people searched for information on coronaviruses before 2020, then COVID requests appeared only in January:

If people searched for information on coronaviruses before 2020, then COVID requests appeared only in January

And the leaders in terms of the number of requests are again Moscow and St. Petersburg: The

And the leaders in terms of the number of requests are again Moscow and St. Petersburg

same applies to the official name “COVID19”:

The same applies to the official name COVID19

Moreover, the official name COVID19 is known only to Moscow:

Moreover, the official name COVID19 is known only to Moscow

According to Google, consider the picture of comparing the frequency of requests:

By Google, consider the picture of comparing the frequency of requests

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