How exchange rates and fuel prices depend on oil prices

Don’t feed us analysts - let us analyze some data. And when the other day the currency exchange jumped, it became interesting to figure it out.

So we put together a small but informative dashboard in Power BI. To do this, I needed information about:

  • oil quotes on the stock exchange;
  • dollar and euro rates according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;
  • retail prices in Russia for AI-92, AI-95, DT fuel.

Data is collected for each day starting in January 2010.

The peculiarity of these data is that the course on weekends was not established and the last value for the working day was used. Oil quotes were also not set every day.

Interactive template here

Let's look at this beautiful interactive picture, because we need not just information, but conclusions.

Ruble exchange rate depends on oil quotes

The fall in oil prices is proportional to the ruble and inversely proportional to the dollar and euro. On the chart, the exchange rate in Russia means, in rubles. Obviously, if the ruble is falling, then the euro and the dollar are growing.

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  • 2014-2015 : ;
  • 2016 : 2015 , β€” 27,5$;
  • 2020 : + ( , ) .


OPEC countries may need to be more accommodating. But, as we see, growth follows after each fall. How strong and fast is another question; analysts of a different level are engaged in this.

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