Perfectionism, cancellation: how technical specialists write articles

A quote from an anonymous team lead about how he usually prepares the text:

“Technical experts usually perceive the writing of the article as follows: the author formulated the topic, thought for a while, sat down and handed out the text immediately to the clean man.

Naturally, in reality, everything works differently. Because of this, a break in the idealized pattern, disappointment, depression, and, in general, the thermal death of the universe.

I'm trying to teach the guys from my team a different approach. But it turns out to be so-so, because I myself haven’t yet mastered the method normally and constantly jump down to “sat down and immediately wrote”.

An ordinary mortal has no understanding of what stages the task of “writing an article” consists of. Just as many, in general terms, are sure that to paint a picture is just to take paints and canvas, and not to make a hundred excursions and a thousand attempts.

Everything is the same with the draft editing - I sit down and read the whole text obliquely, trying to notice the “crooked moments”, and think for a long time how to make it more even (I get tired and quit). ”

Over the 4.5 years of working as an editor on the Netpeak blog, I have helped company specialists write and publish hundreds of posts for a corporate blog. I will share my personal experience, how, despite the attacks of perfectionism, I bring the drafts to publication.

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Important: do not try to write “beautifully” and “comb” sentences while typing. Write what you think - at this stage it is important to unload all thoughts from your head.

4. Reread what happened. Remove anything that is not relevant to the topic. Make the transitions between the blocks logical and smooth. Write down the conclusion (summarize what the reader needs to remember after reading). Add the first paragraph (why you wrote the article) and the heading (why the reader should spend time on it).

The post was reprinted from the Netpeak blog by prior agreement with the Habr editorial staff.

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