We make Microsoft Teams free - stay in touch with colleagues at this difficult time

We understand that small and medium-sized businesses cannot afford not to be constantly in touch. We know that you need to continue to serve your existing customers, grow your business, meet with employees and do everything possible to keep your company working. Therefore, we are making Microsoft Teams more accessible, enabling organizations that do not have Office 365 to use it.

For details, look under the cat.

What is Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams is a team work platform that enables SMBs to remotely perform many important business tasks. Using Microsoft Teams, you can chat, conduct video conferences, collaborate with other employees, as well as with customers, suppliers and partners. Microsoft Office applications are built right into Microsoft Teams, so you can use and share files created in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook without leaving the system. We recently shared tips on  how to get started remotely with Teams .

How to use Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams is part of Office 365. If your organization is licensed for Office 365, this tool is already available to you and you can log in  here .

Even if you do not have Office 365, we want to give you access to Microsoft Teams in these difficult times. Here are some easy ways to get Microsoft Teams software for your company right now - even if you don't have Office 365.

Options for SMEs:

While many of us are moving to remote work, we hope that Microsoft Teams will help you continue to grow your business. Once you get started, check out  helpful tips , customer stories, and informative articles created to help you adapt to your remote work. We consider ourselves obligated to help all our clients to support the work of their business during this difficult time.

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