Sure ways to ditch CRM ... and anything in life

Well, tomorrow the children will ask, visiting us in the morning:
“Dad, what did these candidates for the doctor say?”
We will reveal to our children the truth, they care:
"The amazing is near, but it is forbidden!"

V. Vysotsky

Just think how many ways of “manslaughter” of things exist! Do not read purchased books, hide a new reader and use a burned-out tablet, and then find it with a “dead” battery, buy a flagship smartphone and turn off the Internet on it, park the car and do not drive because of the price of gas, “salt” or pity for varnish, take care of branded jeans that won't converge in a couple of years ... Together with things your money, dreams, emotions, expectations are wasted. An unpleasant situation in which we all once got into it.

Nothing human is alien to business, either, if only because any company is people. And in the same way, expensive software is bought and not used, the top-end hardware is idle and outdated, and the super-productive PCs of employees serve only for browser, chat and e-mail. These are serious losses both in terms of money and in terms of the potential benefits of using the resource. So why do we bite the wires ourselves?

An employee who is a little dissatisfied with the implementation of the CRM system in the company. Or feed. Or everyone.

The delayed life of each of us (figs turn!)

CRM-systems - although the technology is ultra-popular, but still narrow and interesting not for everyone, so we will start not with the CRM example, but with an understanding of why this happens, which forces both the person and the company to refuse the good and work the old fashioned way ? 

Well, you must admit, this is irrational: you have everything to improve yourself / affairs / work / business right now, but you put it off for later. Moreover, “later” is not some kind of transition state, but a state that will occur sharply after some tipping point: “here I’ll buy a car and then I’ll start living humanly”, “I’ll lose some weight and buy a bicycle”, “here I’ll make a vision correction - and go to Formula 1, Monaco’s Grand Prix ”(and why not go to work on foot at least part of the way and live humanly right away, why not lose weight while cycling or go to Monaco with lenses / stylish glasses?)  

This is similar to the syndrome (neurosis) of delayed life, a specific, but very common condition for people and everything with which they are associated (work, family, business, hobbies, etc.). But who are we to make diagnoses? Indeed, if you turn to the scientific literature and read about the symptoms of this subspecies of neurosis, you can easily find it at home. Nevertheless, this syndrome is more often applied to people who have formal, objective reasons for living like this: the military and their families in garrisons, people working on a rotational basis, young people in remote areas, etc. It is they who will begin a real life with the purchase of their apartment, moving to Moscow or a metropolis, returning to their family. And we, friends, this syndrome is imposed by us and is not associated with psychoemotional feelings for our joyless and uncomfortable position,and with ... motivation.

There is a motivation for achievements, but there is a motivation for avoiding problems, failures, failures. And the second is much more common than the first, forcing us to slow down and put off something good for later. In our three examples:

Situation Achievement motivationProblem avoidance motivation
“I’ll buy a car and then I’ll start living humanly”I go to a driving school, take exams, buy a used car, save time and effort, don’t catch the infection in jam-packed buses, don’t carry heavy fucking bags, I don’t go with taxi drivers with experience and experience.Oh, but if I don’t pass the exams. Oh, and there is an unfamiliar route and a backward garage. Yes, if not me, then into me, I know these deer on the roads. Uhhh, before my eyes there was a fatal accident, I won’t go.
“I’ll lose some weight and buy a bike”I buy a bicycle, I twist around the district in the evening, develop muscles and skills, in the summer I go 9 km to work. Losing weight, breathing, becoming healthier.For a long time I didn’t ride, bike paths only on the promenade and in another area, the ass hangs ugly from the seat. And if they steal it! And where to store!
“I’ll do a vision correction - and go to Formula 1, Monaco Grand Prix”I choose lenses or glasses with the thinnest lenses, first I go to F1 in Sochi, I save up for Monaco, I study whether the correction is good and which is better.There, this coronavirus will probably still be there. And if the car skid? What if I don’t see something in my glasses? I did not repeat the language from school. Yes, and expensive ...

In human physical and mental activity, nothing happens just like that, everything has a reason. There are reasons for this behavior. 

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With the words "disbelief", "unwillingness" and "fear" I veiled a much more capacious and honest word - "fear". We are precisely afraid of defeat or changes, of something unusual, we are afraid to see and feel ourselves in these new scenery and the conditions of our own lives (we are not “afraid of getting into an accident” (rational fear), but we are afraid of “going like a loser, meeting traffic cops, screwing up in the parking lot, don’t surrender, be not Schumacher from the first minutes ”(irrational fear, not yet conditioned by anything)) . Fear is an ideal inhibitory factor throughout a person’s life: if you start to be afraid of something, you immediately lose time, resources, opportunities and even the future. And fear almost never acts as a motivator(even if you look after yourself because you are afraid to get some unpleasant disease, you do not look after yourself as a plus, you follow to avoid, partly paranoid).

Something specifically skidded me. But this problem is very important and deserves a separate discussion, because the normal state is “I want → I can → I do”, and not “I want → I am looking for arguments not to do → I do not (but I dream).” And such an unhealthy condition harms us everywhere: at work, in personal life, in future growth, etc.

Therefore, if you suddenly postponed something beautiful, important, interesting, complex, sit down, think why this is exactly what is happening, what are you waiting for and what should happen there? Answer the questions specifically, honestly, with direct instructions “when”, “where”, “how”. And you will suddenly understand what needs to be done here and now - yes, through routine, painstaking work, sacrifices of time or favorite hobbies (poorly to learn Python series instead of series, for example?), Breaking yourself. Very quickly you will see the first results and the rest of the process of achieving goals will simply fly away - because fear will shatter. 

But back to CRM as an example for business

Let this be a great example for our article in relation to business, primarily as a community of different people, united ... no, often not by purpose, but simply by the walls of one office. It often happens that a company bought CRM and that’s all, it’s just there, but no one works in it, no one gets profit from automation. The reasons are different, but seven are especially common in small businesses. 

So how to ditch the CRM system?

1. Choose the wrong CRM

When you choose CRM, you can focus on the numerous “number 1” slogans, ask on Facebook, choose the one that the partner company has set up or the business trainer has imposed. Or read our article and buy RegionSoft CRM , because we know very well what we are writing about. BUT. All of these motivation choices are erroneous. All this is the fear of an independent decision, the desire to join and share responsibility for your choice. In these sources you can find out what CRM is there, go to their sites, download / register and test. The only adequate motivation for choosing a CRM system is its compliance with the requirements of your business. 

If you choose CRM by another criterion, it is highly likely that you simply will not use it, since it does not solve your primary tasks. Do not be afraid to choose what you need. Believe me, your CRM logo is not the same sign of prestige as a car nameplate. It should work and be a cool tool, not a luxury.

2. Blame the introduction of techies

What could be more logical: the commercial part of the company does its job, the technical (system administrator, for example) does its job, that is, it works with software and a project for its implementation. So why then you will not forgive the auto mechanic from the service to choose your car? He will gladly help for a moderate fee, choose a car with ideal TTX from the point of view of an auto mechanic, for example, with excellent repair capabilities. Say, do you need a comfortable and prestigious car to move around the city? Well, I don’t know, the mechanics know better: this 15-year-old SUV is just a fairy tale. Does that sound silly?

CRM implementation should take place with the direct and included participation of those who work with it. A working group should be assembled, which will form the very requirements for business software. By the way, this is also a delicate psychological moment: firstly, employees will get used to the system and learn at an early stage, and secondly, a sense of ownership will not allow us to refuse to use the CRM-system in the future, because this is a “collective”, joint solution , but not another initiative imposed from above. 

Leave the technology department (or your system administrator) configuration, settings, customization of your CRM. They will figure it out. In the rest of the implementation process, the sales department and all employees should participate as closely as possible. 

3. Start working in the whole CRM right away

This is an extremely common and often fatal mistake. Since you bought it, that’s all, let's use all the functions at once, immediately, - this is how business leaders argue, wanting to get the return on investment in the new system as quickly as possible. This is fundamentally wrong. The gradual development of a CRM system has several advantages.

If we talk about the basic functionality of CRM, then in essence it is managing contacts, tracking transaction steps, creating schedules and calendars, calls and reminders. According to statistics, about a quarter of buyers want the notorious sales funnel, but business processes, an email client, reporting settings, analytics are already quite an advanced level. As you can see, no artificial intelligence and neural networks. Therefore, follow a simple path: from basic to complex things, but do not stop - it is at a high level of automation that the company receives competitive advantages. Because, for example, many have some kind of contact manager, and units have debugged business processes.

The client after demonstrating the functionality of RegionSoft CRM Enterprise Plus

Alas (but rather, fortunately), an attempt to automate the entire business at once does not guarantee that you will get the perfect company from what you had before the start of implementation. Most likely you will encounter chaos, lost time and general confusion. By dividing the implementation and commissioning into stages, you will make the project more manageable, you can work on different processes in parallel flows, and control the quality of each stage.

4. Expect incredible miracles from CRM

Destruction of expectations is one of the most powerful demotivators. If a person disappoints you, you stop talking to him; if the gadget turns out to be “wrong”, sooner or later it will be abandoned; if the software doesn’t do “magic”, you won’t use it (for many, this is exactly what happens with Photoshop, which doesn’t suddenly have the “take a picture of World Press Photo” button. The CRM system has the same story: company executives, executives sales departments expect that it will become a magic wand that will immediately change everything in the company for the better, and, having not received this, they prefer to abandon CRM and scribble negative reviews about how “there is not yet a version that can cope with their tasks” .

No, there are no miracles. Everything that seems miraculous to you is the fruit of the labor of many people. Therefore, in order for CRM to bring real benefits to business, you need to make the work of employees and management, get involved in the work, coordinate actions so that automation conquers the routine and accelerates the work.   

5. Force, not train, employees

Even if you firmly force employees to work in the CRM system, check every step, track logs, this will not help: sooner or later you will get tired of wasting time and effort on it, and work in the system will gradually come to naught. The only way to reconcile employees and the new CRM system is through phased training, which will be organized not only by the vendor, but also by the company itself. Speaking of training, we do not mean standard profanity, when every single employee is sitting in a room and listening to the presentation of a vendor employee. Training is a comprehensive measure. 

  • First of all, carefully reading the documentation while working in the interface.
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6. CRM-

The above internal expert (CRM evangelist) must be selected correctly. This must be a neutral person who is respected and does not belong to any of the “influence groups”. It is worth choosing a person who understands how the technology works, but is immersed in business processes and understands which of them are the most valuable for the company, which generates profit, etc. (For example, programmers often show miracles of resistance to commercial activity and deny everything material (but do not try not to pay them a salary - it is dangerous for your health!)). It can be analysts, sales people, system administrators and even experienced support staff - it all depends on the profile of the company. If an organization has a humane, fair relationship,the leader himself can become such an expert mentor (if he has enough time for this).

If you miss the choice of the key “early birds” automation, you run the risk of getting the most negative: from system rejection to “redistribution” of the CRM system between individual employees or departments. In this case, a potentially cool work tool will turn into another apple of contention.

And yes, do not forget to review the workload of internal experts or consider a special motivation system for them. They are not required to perform additional functions just because they accidentally turned out to be more advanced than the rest.  

7. Wear CRM as a medal

Purchased for brand or prestige CRM-system is doomed to failure. Your customers and partners don’t care who the vendor of your system is, it is important for them that the agreements are completed on time, work is done, meetings are not missed, etc. The very fact of buying CRM does not make your company better - it's time to stop engaging in the cargo cult and think that a copy of the airplane from straw will bring you food. 

The recipe is simple: if CRM works, it deserves enthusiasm and recommendations, if you bought an icon, logo, the advice of a “great” person - it deserves only regret, because you wasted your money. 

By the way, CRM can sometimes be a rather slow-moving tool - this is especially true for expensive import systems that are in no hurry to adapt to Russian realities, but shift these concerns to partners who want money. It is important that the developer of your CRM is “in the know” and reacts to changes in business turnover, in the law before they can become a problem. For example, when the VAT in Russia became 20%, we promptly offered our customers updates that helped them start working without worries. 

The seven errors listed do not talk about the use of technology, they don’t talk about CRM as a complex integrable system - they talk about missed opportunities that appear not for objective reasons, but because of problems at the intersection of management and psychology. And these factors sometimes outweigh the most compelling technological arguments. The rejection of CRM by employees is always a consequence of one or more of these factors, and not an independent phenomenon. Analyze, test options, choose wisely - but always remember that you are not dealing with a CRM system, but with people who work in it. And this is not a bunch of algorithms on top of the DBMS :-)

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