A new era of recruiting. Employment Trends and Forecasts for 2020

The surge of recruiters and eychars as new missions - recorded. The technologies and templates for finding employees and the specifics of their employment have changed significantly over the past 8-5 years. What trends will gradually but surely fade away in recruiting? And which ones - gain momentum and a new public weight?

For recruiters, work is also divided into hard skills and software.

Hard skills - skills for competent and accurate job descriptions, representation of the image of the employer company, skills in finding specialists using various methods and channels, skills for interviewing and recording important information for transmission to management, analysis of conducted “interviews”, etc.

And soft skills - those that are striking and remain in memory much stronger than hard. This includes communication skills and active listening, respect for the interlocutor, understanding of his true goals and desires, the ability to analyze the information itself and build the big picture, and not listen to the bare text from the mouth of the employer. Answers to questions, speed and goodwill in providing answers after. Pattern or originality. The presence of a smile or a gloomy “face_face”, etc.

But trends relate to this indirectly. Trends are those changes that are bound to happen after a certain stage in the development of society, the economy, technology, habits and mentality of people.

A simple example - if previously thick wooden doors and a mountain of waste paper in companies were considered the “holy of holies”, now such structures are called “red” and put on the lowest level of development (yes, somewhere near Neanderthals). The throne is now occupied by turquoise, open spaces, leaders in hammocks and hoodies. We cannot rely on the fact that the situation will not sparkle with completely new colors in 5–10 years.

About the same trends, but in the field of hiring specialists, I will tell you based on my own experience and feelings. So, what will gain momentum and what will decline.

Look less and less for ideals, more and more people

The companies do not notice this, but they still have a desire to “scare” with the milk of their soviet mother. How scared we were at the school before the exams, and we waited for weeks for a “loan day”, because in case of failure, our life must have been destroyed, as teachers and parents said. When hiring, there is a very similar pushing, pressure to simulate the most difficult situations and immersion in stress, which will have to work in such a way that even there is no time to go to the toilet (only to correct the fallen hemorrhoids). It's no secret that in fact all employees of the company with an average level of socialization within a week already feel at ease in the team, leaf through Facebook, show each other funny videos, and discuss retrograde Mars.

Leaders get noticeably more and have the ability to “command and blame” (just kidding, of course ... or are you really there ...? Blamed?) Not because they have super powers or an innate third eye. They cannot fly if they are pushed off the roof. Leaders do not perform more tasks per unit of time. “Boss” is in 3/4 of the cases just a very flimsy name. Everything in our world has names, but they are much more stable. For example, the gelatinous, transparent substance in a bird's egg is protein. And I can’t call the yolk protein. Well, maybe, if only a protein replay.

Recruiters do not like to push themselves to think a little better in order to come to the simple idea that we are all just people. And, hiring not a robot, but a person, there should be a completely different approach to it and other expectations (not “requirements” - these terrible words are enough).

Less people to use

People do not like to be used and manipulated. But they like to do it themselves in relation to others. In the modern world, which requires more and more tolerance, we need to either learn to do it more skillfully so that people like it, or stop doing it at all.

Recruiters cannot do this, incurring righteous anger from the heights of Olympus. Thousands of forums and groups (following the example of “realtors are evil” and “recruiters are evil”) are devoted to yelling and cursing against the heychars. Thousands of people describe in detail the name, date of birth, place of work of the very ones who: spent their time = money, tested their patience with five stages of interviews, “home” or “test” tasks, psychological and intellectual tests, and skills to get in person meetings in any weather and at any distance for a limited amount of time, without warning they called for a half-office meeting ... And after the eighth circle of hell ... they simply remained silent for weeks without feedback or refused. Many, many very true stories. )) I know that each has a place to be.
Many point scandals form a large bubble of illiquid reputation for recruiters and their “working methods," which will simply burst. Pouring all the negligent with pus and giving cause for joy to the afflicted. (ho-ho-ho, Merry Christmas!)

What will be in trend?

Meet each other

Each applicant, having come for an interview, first needs to know who is in front of him, by whom this person works, how long has he been in the company, etc. That is a mini mutual interdaction. And only then the applicant can start talking about himself. He was not in the “KGB” in a time machine flew in for interrogation.

Pay more to people

The struggle to stop the brain drain will intensify.

The share of salaries from the company's total revenue will be greater. Companies will realize that people are more valuable than paper, a la siremock programs, and robots. And the factor of money (“motivation”, “compensation” - just like the word “money” just did not call names) - in the majority the first factor of retention and motivation of employees.

The amount of official salaries has naturally increased over the past 3 years. The countries of the former CIS are almost equal in terms of payment to specialists of modern professions with foreign employers. If the same 5 years ago, an SMM-account was glad to 6 thousand UAH (about 16.500 rubles) per month, now even a junior can get from 15 thousand UAH (about 41.500 rubles) per month. Sales managers always received sales bonuses for a small fixed rate, but this amount in an average Ukrainian company 5 years ago could rarely exceed 18 thousand UAH (about 50 thousand rubles). Today, sales, especially in the IT sector, can earn on a level basis from 40 thousand UAH (more than 110 thousand rubles) per month. Clean. And this trend will only intensify.

Over the past 5 years, a huge number of specialists have moved abroad. But then they returned to their homeland. Among the reasons indicated that after all the costs of taxes, rent, medical insurance and other mandatory expenses in the new countries, about the same amount was left on hand as in Ukraine. The situation could be aggravated by the psychological reasons for the prolonged adaptation in a new place in a new mentality and with a foreign language. What can be expected? An impressive portion of expats may still return to their homeland in the coming years. And it will occupy worthy positions in successful companies with interesting tasks and income, which will satisfy no less than abroad.

So, the struggle to stop the “brain drain” will intensify. But this will not be done by the state, but by the companies themselves.

Shortening the hiring path

No three to five stages of interviews. Legality and breathing allow this lawlessness to continue to be possible by the applicants themselves, who with a heavy heart agree to this: travel, talk about themselves more than anything, do their homework, wait for decisions, and ultimately get nothing. This should not become the norm. Therefore, with each such case, I firmly motivate to abandon such a recruiting scheme and frankly talk about the inappropriateness of such techniques.

The maximum number is 2 stages. But even one step after viewing the resume and independently studying the information about the applicant is enough. I have many examples when after months of interviews on various communication channels, psychological and intellectual tests, and analyzes, people were finally hired. But after several days - they themselves decided on leaving. Including, in the most direct and intelligible way to show all the universal stupidity, theatrical bureaucracy and the inefficiency of such schemes.

Increasing the role of resumes

The role of literate resumes will also increase. The former boom of printed business cards, which was in the zero, will be the boom of unique professional digital resumes and portfolios. Hooking employers will become harder. In order to get attention and be remembered by the leader and the recruiter, to go to the desired position, you will need to re-work on your CV.

Leaders have more public weight

If the named leader wants employees to have them as an authority, they will have to be de facto, not de jure. If one manager, when searching for his name in an Internet browser, displays only profiles on dating sites, while the other doesn’t even have social networks and not a single photo, let alone publications in specialized media, columns on relevant topics, then how experts can relate to such a person, in principle, adequately?

So, even average bosses will have to think about their reputation in order to maintain credibility among employees and partners.

Teams are getting younger

The recruiter says with a smile: “We have no ageism in the company! We are all young! ” Emm ... So this is ageism towards “not the youngest people,” I understand correctly? Yes, of course, right.

You can talk for a long time about the “struggle” with ageism, but collectives really are getting younger. The 20-year-old heads of departments and the founders of their agencies and startups will hardly surprise anyone. The companies themselves also prefer young people (and therefore, most often: fast, energetic, passionate people with free time who are not used to discuss the divan direction of politics, or evaluating their children at school).
Less distractions and more productive work.

When a person is not allowed something for a long time, often the effect of compensation begins. The boom of transparent offices, the absence of partitions, hammocks and video games in the offices will gradually decline. Newly created companies will no longer feel inferior if they do not introduce portable entertainment centers and zoos in their spaces.

From software positions, everyone will expect more and more specifically measurable KPIs. An SMM-box who does posts in isolation from business tasks can rely on an extremely low level of payment and an extremely fast overtaking by competitors that are more effective for commercial tasks.

Development of blacklisted employers

They have existed for a long time, and any information is disseminated especially quickly not from ear to ear, but from bit to bit. The world will divide even more strongly into “normal” companies, which will take even more stable positions, and “everyone else”, who may consider themselves to be at least the best, but in fact remain somewhere in the bottom and eat crumbs from the table that fly off with Beverly Hills.

And what about modern recruiting tools?

Some have been widely used for several years, while others are featured only by a few companies. Let's watch!

A job application tracker

Just like with a pizza order!;) What is the point? Cool international companies have made an “application tracker”.

  1. Find the position you are interested in.
  2. Register on the company website. By voluntary-compulsory order by checking the box, that you are allowed to use your data. And also often allowing you to transfer your data to other job vacancies-girlfriends of the one you apply for.
  3. Submit an application (resume, application form, cover letter) for the position of interest.
  4. Now, by logging in to the site, you can see at what stage your application is at any time.
  5. Interesting toy? Useful?

It seems to me that this tracker is like an artificial mouse for a cat to play with it. As if yes, it might look like a tasty mouse, but what is its meaning? You can’t eat it.
Applicants can go through all stages of the interview, pass all kinds of tests, but get rejected in the final.

Simple tools to evaluate yourself as a professional in the market

Now everyone can watch vacancies and resumes of each. Work, rabota, HH, Jooble org, djinni co, Flagma, etc. - resources give freedom to compare their indicators (experience, skills, knowledge, GP) with the indicators of others.

Thanks to this data analysis, you can build your real value as a specialist in the labor market. And to argue this price tag during interviews.

In general, there are more tools for comparing experience and GP. Now, not only job search exchange sites put such trackers of analytics, but also a number of media. Because it's like knowing the weather and favorable days for a haircut. Just multiply the importance and reality by a thousand times.

Why do you need market monitoring to form your value and price as a professional in the labor market?

Let's say you graduated from a college in a small town. You have only a hood behind you and no experience. You decide to take courses, which are now very much. What to choose? Let's say you like the technical direction. But in order not to go around with a head, you decide to start with system administration on Linux. These courses cost 70 percent less than a number of programming languages, and the prospects for recapturing the cost of training are quite fast.

One of the key steps in choosing Who to Be is precisely the analysis of the labor market - the demand for a profession (skills) and payment (today and with experience) + the potential for autonomy and scaling (for example, freelance or open your own business in 5 years).

Lucky at the start, if you have burning eyes, then 3/4 of the work has already been done. When the fire of adventure calms down and the awl in a warm place loses its sharpness and is not so dull, the zeal for work is patience and patience. “I can do it for free, if only in your team!” after a couple of years it changes to “Here, of course, not Treasure Island or Las Vegas, but stable and paid on time.”

You can now find out who, how much and for what gets anywhere in the world in one click. Many companies officially (meaning that it is indicated in the contract that you sign) forbids discussing your RFP with colleagues.

But it is critically important for us to set a price that is not a finger in the sky, but based on a real analysis of today's RFPs on the market.

Once I argued with my friend and colleague for a long time that it is very important for everyone to know how much and for what his colleague, neighbor, acquaintance receives. And in response I received a bucket of criticism that you need to look after yourself, not others. Of course, I have not changed my point of view. Over time, I find only more evidence. We will never stop comparing. And no need to stop. Only if you are not a Tibetan monk or downshifter.

Feedback collection

Your PC or smartphone (automatic collection) or recruiters, partners, employers, etc. (personal collection by human (but not always human) resources) may ask for feedback from you.

Neatly. Do not let too much feedback. You don’t want to fill out the tests or put the “liked the service, did not like” emoticon? Do not consider it necessary to answer why you were delighted, angry, decided to come or go? You. Not. Are required.

A number of companies are already at the first stage (that is, as soon as they have received your resume, and it doesn’t matter which one) massively send out a questionnaire to several pages and / or a voluminous test task to everyone. Before the personal conversation, candidates receive automated letters from companies that they need to go through training, perform a series of complex professional “test tasks”, pass psychological tests (drawings of your family, loved ones, yourself, the tree and the house), indicate any shapes and color, name the number of children and their names.

Profile. Most often, it contains questions for which answers are already in the resume, or which can easily be deduced from the information already provided by the candidate. The reason for such questionnaires is simple - filling your own candidate database. Any information is expensive.

Remember the advice not to pass the tests “what kind of music genre are you”. It can only seem silly. Now remember the law of mathematics - if the task seems stupid, and the answer is too simple - your answer is wrong.

Simply. Not. Give it back. His own. Information.

Refuse the first time, second, tenth, hundredth, and every time you encounter such data collection. Only you yourself “legitimize” them. “By his own irresponsible permission.” Stop waving your hands that "nothing of the kind." The super unprofessional phrase “there’s nothing right there” I personally heard from recruiters when I refused to fill out questionnaires.

I always drown for the fact that specialists with experience of even 2-3 + years and who have a portfolio with examples do not do any test. You can say the price tag is “test”. Some companies, of course, having understood this position, immediately fall off. But there is nothing wrong with that.
Testing is also the prerogative of recruiters, for the most part. If you can directly communicate directly with the director or owner, then the answer regarding the position will be faster, and the likelihood of tests is much less. djinni.co wrote that, according to statistics, when communicating with CEOs, everything happens 64% faster.

I know that I can influence justice with my attitude, thoughts and actions. I want more people to do it. And I wish not good work, but work, where each of us will be well!

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