Walking in a rake. Arduino

I rarely do something "low level." My approximate working day consists of developing mobile applications for business and a bunch of diverse managerial pieces. Of course, sometimes I want to get distracted. It turns out this is rare, and, probably, therefore, it gives special pleasure. This time it was decided to get distracted using the Amperka. Tetra ”, which is intended for children and with the help of which you can learn the basics of circuitry, the names of any sensors, and try to program something that works in the real world, and not on a computer screen. In general, when you are an adult bearded man - in general it is.

, , ( ), , Bluetooth, - ( , ), , . , , .

, , . ( Arduino Leonardo) Scratch ( , ), S4A, … , , , , - . . ? .

Toys That Made Us Lego, «». , , ( ) System. TECHNIC «», . , , , , , « , ..?», , , .

«Troyka», , . , , , . . , .

« » (!)

. , , ( , ), , «!!!», , , . , , —  , . , , , -   !

, . «» Troyka- , , : 8 8, , . , , - .

( , , ? ), , «, » , , , , « ». —  S4A (Scratch for Arduino), , . , S4A macOS ( , ), apt-get’ ( ), ( , , ), .

«», . , , , - LED, . .

, . , - , , . —  . , , , . , . :

  • . , , 13, 12 10, 11   ? _
  • , , . , « », , , .
  • ( , , ) S4A , . /, , . WeDo ( - ) ( ), — , AnalogN/DigitalN. , .

. , S4A .

, - :

  • -, , ( , ?!).
  • -, ( , - , , , ). . , . , . Breadboard’ . Troyka-. , !

S4A , , .

, , . , —  « ». . , , , .


, , , Swift ( iOS ). , . Tetra ( USB, ), , , .

: Swift, :

  • ,
  • ,
  • .

, , S4A. «firmware» ( ), , «» , , .


  • , ,
  • , , , ,
  • (, , ). , , , .

? ! , .

, S4A . , , , , . , , PicoBoard, , Scratch . .

/++, . ++- , .

void send(byte sensor, int value) {
    Serial.write(B10000000 | ((sensor & B1111) << 3) | ((value >> 7) & B111));
    Serial.write(value & B1111111);

void receive(byte first, byte second) {
    pin = (first >> 3) & 0x0F;
    newVal = ((first & 0x07) << 7) | (second & 0x7F);

, . , ( , ) :


SSSS —  , , VVVVVVVVVV —  10- . - 0 1023, «» ( ) 0 255. . ( , ) , , , - . , , . , , , , S4A , .

. —  . , , , - .

. / -. Serial Swift, ( - , -, ), https://github.com/yeokm1/SwiftSerial/blob/master/Sources/SwiftSerial.swift. Serial.begin(38400), 38400, — « ». ? , . . , SwiftSerial, Linux- read/write, . ? , , -, open. , . , macOS, , O_NONBLOCK. , , !

open(path, readWriteParam | O_NOCTTY | O_EXLOCK | O_NONBLOCK)

https://github.com/bealex/TetraSwift/blob/master/Sources/Serial/SerialPort.swift. , . , Linux-, Raspberry Pi.


- -. , .

  • , , 10-, ( 0 1023). , , .
  • , — HIGH LOW. HIGH —  - 1023 ( 1, ), LOW — 0. , «» —  , . ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • , — 8-, ( 0 255). , , . , —  .
  • , , 4- ( 0 15). , . « », :
    • 1—4  ( ), — 0.
    • (): —  , — .
    • «» ( , ) : —  , —  , —  . 3/7/8 4/3/8
    • , 10 13 .

, . , «» PicoBoard, , . : https://github.com/bealex/TetraSwift/blob/master/Sources/IOPort.swift. .

, . , . !

? , . / , , , , , . -.

- .

Swift, - « Scratch». . - ( -):

let tetra = Tetra(...) { event in
    //     .

// !
//  13 .
tetra.write(actuator: .ledDigital13(true))
//  .
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1)
//  13 .
tetra.write(actuator: .ledDigital13(false))
// . :)

- , . .

let tetra = Tetra(...)

//         ,   .
//     ,      .
tetra.run {
//    .
    tetra.waitFor(.button2, is: true) {
    //   .
        tetra.write(actuator: .ledDigital13(true))
        Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1)
        tetra.write(actuator: .ledDigital13(false))

, tetra.write(actuator: .ledDigital13(true)) ( ?), - : tetra.digitalLED13.on(). .

let tetra = Tetra(...)

tetra.run {
    //     .
    tetra.whenOn(.button2) {
//    — .
    tetra.whenOn(.button3) {

    // ,    .

, - . , -.

let tetra = Tetra(...)
    analog: [
        AnalogSensor(kind: .light, port: .analogSensor5),
        AnalogSensor(kind: .temperature, port: .analogSensor3),
    digital: [
        DigitalSensor(kind: .button, port: .digitalSensor3),
    analog: [
        AnalogActuator(kind: .motor, port: .motor4, maxValue: 180),
        AnalogActuator(kind: .buzzer, port: .analog9, maxValue: 200),
        AnalogActuator(kind: .analogLED(.green), port: .analog5, maxValue: 200),
    digital: [
        DigitalActuator(kind: .digitalLED(.green), port: .digital10),

? . . ? , :

  • -, . - , - .
  • -, . analog, digital, . ( , ) —  , . , ?

: , . . , , .

, . . .

tetra.install(sensors: [
    .analog0: AnalogSensor(kind: .light),
    .analog1: AnalogSensor(kind: .potentiometer),
    .analog2: AnalogSensor(kind: .magnetic),
    .analog3: AnalogSensor(kind: .temperature),
    .analog4: DigitalSensor(kind: .infrared),
    .digital6: DigitalSensor(kind: .button),
    .digital7: DigitalSensor(kind: .button),
tetra.install(actuators: [
    .digital4: AnalogActuator(kind: .motor),
    .digital9: AnalogActuator(kind: .buzzer),
    .digital5: AnalogActuator(kind: .analogLED(.green)),
    .digital6: AnalogActuator(kind: .analogLED(.red)),
    .digital10: DigitalActuator(kind: .digitalLED(.green)),
    .digital11: DigitalActuator(kind: .digitalLED(.yellow)),
    .digital12: DigitalActuator(kind: .digitalLED(.yellow)),
    .digital13: DigitalActuator(kind: .digitalLED(.red)),
    .digital7: LEDMatrixActuator(kind: .ledMatrix(.monochrome)),
    .digital8: QuadNumericDisplayActuator(kind: .quadDisplay),

, !

, S4A. , . , , —  0.0 1.0.

, .

// ,     -, .
//        .
    kind: .temperature,
    sampleTimes: 32,
    tolerance: 0.05,
    calculate: Calculators.celsiusTemperature

//      ,  180.
AnalogActuator(kind: .motor, maxValue: 180)

. , . «, ». «, , ».

. — . , , , .

! , , - . .

class Tetra: TetraInterface {
    let temperatureSensor = TemperatureSensor()
    let potentiometer = Potentiometer()

    let quadDisplay = QuadNumericDisplayActuator()
    let redAnalogLED = AnalogLED()
    let greenAnalogLED = AnalogLED()

    init(pathToSerialPort: String) {
        let serialPort = HardwareSerialPort(path: pathToSerialPort, rate: .baud115200)
        super.init(serialPort: serialPort, useTetraProtocol: true)
        add(sensor: temperatureSensor, on: .analog3)
        add(sensor: potentiometer, on: .analog1)

        add(actuator: greenAnalogLED, on: .digital5)
        add(actuator: redAnalogLED, on: .digital6)
        add(actuator: quadDisplay, on: .digital8)

, :

Tetra(pathToSerialPort: serialPort).run {
    guard let tetra = $0 as? Tetra else { return }

    //      .
    tetra.potentiometer.whenValueChanged { value in
        if value < 0.5 {
            tetra.greenAnalogLED.value = 0
            tetra.redAnalogLED.value = (0.5 - value) * 2
        } else {
            tetra.greenAnalogLED.value = (value - 0.5) * 2
            tetra.redAnalogLED.value = 0

    //    .
    tetra.temperatureSensor.whenValueChanged { value in
        tetra.quadDisplay.value = String(format: "%.1f˚", value)

, ? .

. , —  . , PicoBoard . , 0 1 ? , , - . , , . . .

, :

  • . , , —  Swift, , , . !
  • , . , .
  • . , ?
  • .

. , , . , . , - Protocol Buffers. ( nanopb), , Protocol Buffers , . ( , ).

. :

  • . , .
  • .
  • , - .

, , ( , ), . , . .

, . , . - ? , -, . , . - , .

, . , . , , . ? / —  , . , , .


  • DevicePort, start/stop/write/read.
  • , —  SerialPort, —  , , ( , ), .

, .


. , ? . , , . , . , -- , . , , , . . . , , — .



tetra.quadDisplay.value = "L8R"

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