The digest of fresh materials from the world of the front-end for the last week No. 407 (March 16 - 22, 2020)

We bring to your attention a selection with links to new materials from the frontend area and around it.

Media     |    Web Development     |    CSS     |    Javascript     |    Browsers     |    Entertaining


podcast CSSSR podcast: Github bought npm, remote conferences, CSS and Houdini, magic calc (), Java SE 14, toxic Angular
podcast UnderJS Podcast # 17 - Conversations with Mikhail Bashurov about types and HolyJS
podcast Podcast “Web Standards” No. 221: Cancellation of events, Firefox and KaiOS, unnecessary CSS, viewport, image sizes, colors, Vue.js
podcast Frontend Weekend podcast # 103 - Alexey Zolotykh about moving from Chelyabinsk, the value of working with HolyJS PC and many presentations
podcast Podcast “ Make me beautiful ”, Issue No. 36 - Coronavirus, juniors are better than seniors and inaccessible availability
podcast Podcast“ pro Conf ”# 54 AngularConnect - ProConf in quarantine | Angular 9 | Ivy | Neurons are coming | How to do a review

Web development

“Do not close tags!”
en Confusion with headlines: when do they fail in WCAG?
en What does “playsinline” mean in web video?
en Fast frontend integration through components
en Optimization of collaboration between frontend developers
video Just about Clean code and code quality (Code Quality & Clean Code)


habr CSS: adventures in the land of translucency
habr CSS developers - why do the world need them?
habr CSS Grid: Layout adaptive magazine layout in 20 lines
Tutorial. Simple animation in pure CSS
When 255 × 0 is not zero
Combinations in CSS: background-color and linear-gradient
en 'CSS X'
en A complete guide to calc () in CSS
en Neomorphism and CSS
en Placing text along a path using CSS
en Houdini CSS Practical Overview
en All About Auto in CSS
en CSS: Flexible Repeating SVG Masks


habr Why JavaScript devours HTML: code examples
habr Get to know NestJS
habr Fully implement it. DI-in-JS
Google answered questions about SEO for JavaScript
en Mono repositories in JavaScript, anti-pattern
en For ... of loops in Javascript: one loop to manage them all
en Useful tips for using console.log ()
video en Angular vs React vs Vue [2020 Update]

habr SameSite = Lax by default - already in Chrome 80 stable (though not for everyone yet)
habr Developer appreciated the complexity of modern browsers
Firefox refuses to support FTP protocol
Chrome 81 release is postponed due to Google employees switching to work at home
New Chrome releases delayed by coronavirus


WordPress and Apache Struts are leading among web-based platforms in terms of exploit vulnerabilities
OpenSilver project develops an open implementation of Silverlight
Slack corporate messenger received the largest redesign since its launch
What is wrong with the remote work instructions: you forgot that there are at home children
AI Robochronic: algorithms as salvation from coronavirus, artificial prisoners educating artificial intelligence and the sniff chip

We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicated links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal email, we try to quickly fix them.

Last week's digest .
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .

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