Remote work. How to start working from home and not go crazy

A growing number of companies are moving their employees to work from home. This trend has been accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic. Less contact means less chance of getting sick. Work, at the same time, is still necessary. Without affecting the technical difficulties of transferring employees to remote work (let the employer have a headache about it), I want to dwell on the issue of working from home and the stress that arises.

Starting from school, we have clearly learned for ourselves to distinguish between personal space, a house where you can do your own business and place of study / work, with your own requirements for appearance and rules of behavior. After so many years of learning, you have to drastically change your habits, which leads to stress, dissatisfaction with work, personal life. Inevitable conflicts and quarrels arise, which only incites dissatisfaction with oneself, closing the circle of problems.

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  7. The end of the working day . The time has come to finish things today and return home. Go for a walk again, try to beat the morning result in steps. When you return, be sure to tell your family that you have finished working for today.

In addition

Life makes its own adjustments to the developed schedule, to the desire to do everything correctly or in a new way. For every moment of your life you will not develop a plan, you will not give advice. Just try to ask yourself one question: โ€œ What would I do, being in the office, in front of my colleagues? ".


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