Synergetic organizations. Part I

Who am I?

Developer, IT entrepreneur and author of a previous article about synergies. Almost 4 years have passed since the publication, but I did not find time to continue, or rather, did not consider that my experience was enough. But today I decided - it’s time to share our knowledge and thoughts about our structure of life and work.

About what?

I want to briefly talk about our experience working without managers, how we came to this and what we will do next, as well as share plans and dreams for the future.

What for?

First of all, in order to fix the current state of things, and secondly, to find like-minded people in this difficult but fascinating affair - the creation of new forms of organizing joint activities.

What is?

Now there is a successful IT company in the field of electronic commerce, which brings together 20 people around the world and enters the European market for development in international markets. We have come a long way in finding new colleagues, working methods, a product, and understanding where we are going and why. And so, briefly about us:

  • We have been working in the IT market since 2007.
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I never wanted to be the boss and sit on someone’s head, just like I couldn’t let someone sit on mine. The desire to be independent and self-sufficient has transformed me from a passionate introvert developer to a sociable entrepreneur with his own vision.

In short - this is an evolutionary method of development, based on fundamental principles, trust and openness, it is not without drawbacks that can be expressed in serious mistakes, conflicts and errors, but all this allows colleagues and companies to freely develop. I must admit, it became possible only because I chose this path consciously, despite all the BUT and IF.

For this to work, you need:
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Now we are actively preparing to enter the European market, collecting and analyzing information, looking for new partners and colleagues, testing niches, preparing to launch the first product this fall. We will continue to work in Russia, but we have already clearly understood that in order to achieve global goals it is necessary to leave the “uncomfortable” zone (this is not a typo). I myself recently made a difficult decision - to move from Russia to Europe with my family, I’m sure there is no need to specifically explain the reasons.

Now there are several interesting projects for the deployment of business models in the European region. We are set up very seriously, because there is a team, there is a product and vision, as well as resources for the implementation of what was planned.

Today I am sure that our culture and experience are valuable as an example of lively self-organization, but we still have a long and difficult path to go to a complete autonomous self-governing company. To go, you need a road, but to go consciously you need a goal that will determine where we want to ultimately come.

What will happen next?

We cannot know exactly what awaits us in the future, but we are able to design it and translate it into reality through dreams, goals and people. Therefore, you need to be able to discard the limitations of reality and give free rein to imagination, try to look beyond the horizon of events. But fantasies will remain only dreams if they are not transformed into goals, and goals cannot be achieved unless there are people. It is with people and for people that we are trying to create a new form of organization for work and life.

Once I just wanted to become independent, to provide for myself and my family, later my goal was the idea - to create an environment for the development and implementation of other people. Until recently, all my efforts have been focused on the IT business. Thought more than once that without projects in the real world, our goal will not be achieved. So now I started to work on a new project as part of our association of IT specialists.


Create distributed worldwide IT nodes for employees and community members. It will be a cross-border housing infrastructure for living and working according to uniform quality standards in regions with a stable legal system and an open society.

General concept

  • Jurisdictions are selected for the purchase of land for construction, preference for developed countries with a low level of corruption and an open culture.
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We live in an age of rapid changes, when for decades the systems that have been operating do not withstand the speed and challenges of our time, a vivid example of this is the financial sector and national states, the usual hierarchical management systems cease to be effective. We really need new forms of organizing people's lives and activities, like the one I briefly described above.

I am fully confident in our concept, which requires a more detailed study, but the selected vector is correct. Now the process of finding land for a pilot in Slovenia has already been launched, and a preliminary agreement has been signed for the participation of a private investor. The issues of obtaining a license of a financial provider and registration of an investment fund are being studied.

I will be glad to receive feedback and ready for constructive criticism, but most of all, I will be glad to new people, if our ideas and principles are close to you, this is at least a reason to get to know each other, and possibly join forces in transforming the future.

Live long and prosper!

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