The digest of interesting materials for the mobile # 337 developer (on March 16 - 22)

In our new issue, we talk about how to spend a million on creating your own translator, about virtual mitaps for Android developers, about the impact of the epidemic on the application market, about record user spending and much more!

When my money ran out again, the crisis came. I could not find a job, the situation became critical. The time has come to look at all things with a sober look. I had to honestly admit to myself that I do not know which niches to choose for business. Creating projects that you just like is the way to nowhere.We bring to your attention a series of articles devoted to the optimization of rendering for mobile devices: phones and tablets based on iOS and Android. The cycle will consist of three parts. In the first part, we will examine the features of the popular GPU tile architecture on Mobile.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And daily we send news in the Telegram channel .


(+4)  Combine-based MVVM in UIKit and SwiftUI applications
(+4)  Toolkit problems in large projects
(+3)  Add a dark theme in iOS
Apple introduced the new iPad Pro with lidar
Coronavirus games were also banned on the App Store
Apple WWDC 2020 conference will be held in online format
5 Swift extensions that will make your life easier
How to change the icon of your application in SwiftUI
What is the vDSP framework in Swift?
A quick guide to the best typography for iOS
How to implement UITableView and UICollectionView with RxDataSources
Apple L8 debug - the basics of reverse engineering
Swift-eri is itself - a task list with CloudKit
Generating video subtitles on an iOS device using SwiftUI and ML Kit
CoronaTracker: coronavirus tracker
Simple iOS Login:

Android login screens

(+10)  FragmentLifecycleCallbacks split into parts
(+6)  Mastering development through testing in Android using UI tests
(+4)  30+ concise professional recommendations for Android developers
(+3) We transfer Android logs via the Internet with Timber and Node.JS
(+3)  We work with View asynchronously using coroutine
Android Dev Virtual Meetup opens
Android Go audience exceeds 100 million people
Google prohibits the installation of third-party applications (for users of the Advanced Protection Program )
Review time for applications on Google Play increased to a week
Overview of Material Design Components
51 resources for beginners and professional Android developers
I / O 2020 conference is completely canceled
Updating requests without changing the RecyclerView adapter using FirebaseUI
8 good reasons for modularity in Android
Chat interface for Android using RecyclerView and Groupie
Explore Server-Driven UI
Implementation of motion systems with Android material components
How to reduce the size of your Android application using R8
Creating component architecture in Android Jetpack Compose
Native dependencies in Android Studio 4.0
Android dialogs on Kotlin: tutorial
Motion Toast: notifications for Android on Kotlin
Material Components Android Examples: working with Material Components


(+27) Machine learning in Unity: we teach MO agents to jump over walls
(+26)  Immersion in Charles Proxy
(+19) “By developing something in advance and fully designed, you do a stillborn thing” - conversation with The Breakfast
(+17)  The more the worse or why the game loop is important
(+11) Interview with Vyacheslav Utochkin, director of educational programs for game development at the Higher School of Economics, Higher School of Economics, Higher School of Economics: 20 questions about game dev
• • (+10)  War with brakes. Optimization of the number of component renderings in React Native
(+6)  Exciting side projects that you can do today
(+2)  Blur the background image in Unity
(0) Geo-tracking in React Native
Podlodka # 155: Björn Straustrup
Android Broadcast # 9: How to make a cool conference
Magic Leap Magicverse SDK released
GitHub application left beta
Application pre-installation speeds up
Dark or light theme: which is better for users?
Snap launched the Lens Web Builder mask editor
Lacks UX: how users can be manipulated
How GitHub blocked me (and all my libraries)
ArangoDB: the ideal database for projects with high uncertainty
Flutter vs Native vs React- Native: performance testing
A list of 100 cool and interesting public APIs for your next project
Using AI for UX design of mobile applications
Creating a cross-platform application with tabs on Flutter
Natural display in practice: the new volume control in iOS 13
How “Prince of Persia” defeated Apple II memory limitations
How to make a universal application
I developed, built and launched the MVP product in 5 days
How to write good documentation for

Analytics code , marketing and monetization

(+27) How to link involvement with monetization in mobile games and applications
(+9)  Localization rules for developers
(+8) Localization of indie games: is the game worth the candle?
(+6) Source of truth: how an analyst teaches a manager and a developer to work together
Case from inDriver: how to create the perfect ride-sharing application for 31 countries with different languages ​​and cultures?
Tapjoy launched Multi-Reward Engagements
In 2019, the average iPhone user in the USA spent $ 100 on applications
Proxy: contactless doors
The impact of coronavirus on application economics - App Annie research
Kitche app that helped reduce food waste received an investment
User acquisition costs $ 48.5 billion reached for games in 2022
An application for the diagnosis of coronavirus was launched in Iran, but it only monitors users
MVP vs. Prototype vs. PoC: What is the Best Approach for Measuring Product / Market Fit?

AI, Devices, IoT

(+33)  How we use item2vec to recommend similar products
(+24)  How we created a gallery of neural network art and why we don’t give pictures to copy
(+12)  Taste and color: gradations of approaches to Smart home
(+5)  We work with the CO sensor? Xiaomi ClearGrass Air Detector locally, without Chinese servers
Google introduced Pigweed - development tools for embedded systems
Google translator taught to translate speech in real time
Google began to certify TensorFlow developers
The most useful machine learning tools 2020
Coronavirus detection on x-ray images with Keras, TensorFlow and deep learning

< Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or if you find a mistake, please send it to the mail .

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