DJI Mavic mini copter fell like a crowbar

DJI Mavic mini is a unique solution for every user who wants to diversify photo and video content and the entire Internet is filled with laudatory reviews about this product. In my case, I will describe in detail how it fell in the style of "flying scrap", as a result of which the apparatus rests on the bottom of the Black Sea, whose waters are captured in the last second of the video from the fall, which is attached.


With the help of this article and the help of expert readers, I want to understand the reasons for the fall and draw conclusions that will be useful to any owner of this model. Therefore, I will begin to state the facts, based on which we can analyze and draw conclusions:

1. Wear and damage


The device took off only 23 times and the total length of all flights was 6 kilometers.

Carried in the original packaging, whichwas inside a durable special suitcase next to the blade protection. External damage was absent.


2. Calibration

All necessary pre-flight procedures were carried out, approval for take-off from the program was received.

3. Flight Permits

Without leaving the hotel room, a special program indicated only as a hindrance - a small number of satellites. (INSIDE THE FOUR WALL NUMBERS, I saw only 11 satellites)


4. Battery Status

4.1. A proprietary device was used to charge the batteries.


4.2. To monitor the use of batteries, a separate account was kept.


4.3. Directly in the flight log, you can see that the battery is 50% charged


5. Flight weather

The weather was beautiful.

In fact, there were no apparent reasons, but nevertheless the copter simply collapsed!

Watch the last video:

and flight log:

An error appeared in the logs:


Code 30168:

Aircraft power insufficient. Fly with caution
The power of the aircraft is not enough. Fly with caution.
The error most often occurs in strong winds.
(data from the site: ) A

search for this error showed two videos:

1. where the copter refuses to take off

2. where instead of taking off, it breaks to the side

The author of the video claims that the problem was cured by replacing the screws.

In my case, the idea that the screws are damaged is negligible, since immediately before the last flight there was one more:

The error appeared in the logs only after the drone crashed from a height of minus 8 meters (I launched from the top floor) to minus 20, flew 12 meters like a crowbar and hit the water. In the logs until the last moment there are no critical comments from the flight control program.

Cut the fall process:

My personal conclusion is that the battery simply died and the system could not recognize it.

It is interesting to know your opinion!

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