.NET Core Windows Forms Designer Updates

We released a preliminary version of Visual Studio 16.6 - Visual Studio 2019 version 16.6 Preview 1 and with it a new version of the .NET Core constructor of Windows Forms.

This release includes

  • Support for the following controls:

    To uncover
    • FlowLayoutPanel,
    • GroupBox
    • ImageList
    • MenuStrip ( PropertyBrowser ),
    • Panel,
    • SplitContainer,
    • Splitter,
    • TabControl,
    • TableLayoutPanel,
    • ToolStrip ( PropertyBrowser, designer actions).

  • Local resources and localized forms were included in the constructor.
  • Support for LayoutMode and ShowGrid / SnapToGrid settings through Tools -> Options.
  • Reliability and performance improvement.
  • Other minor fixes and tweaks.


In future releases, we will work on supporting User Controls and third-party controls, integrating with popular control providers, supporting Data Controls and related scenarios, performance improvements, and other features.

How to use the constructor

  • You need to use the Visual Studio Preview feed
  • You need to enable the designer in Visual Studio. Go to Tools → Options → Environment → Preview Functions and select the option “Use Windows Forms Designer for .NET Core Applications”.

How to report problems

Your feedback is very important. Please report problems and submit requests through the Visual Studio feedback channel. Use the Send Feedback icon in the upper right corner of Visual Studio, as shown below, and indicate that it is associated with the WinForms .NET Core area.

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