Technical support "on the suitcases." How we work remotely without unnecessary nerves and get the services we need remotely

Since March 16, our ITSM 365 team began testing full-fledged remote work. Our offices in Yekaterinburg, Moscow, Tver, and St. Petersburg are gradually becoming empty. But we, having “moved” home, continue to hone our Zen with technical support of our clients and solve other working issues without panic.

At the same time, breaking away from the office space, we obtain all corporate services from internal services (IT, HR, accounting and others) remotely. It's time to test how it works!

While we are still at the start, so I want to fix it “as it is now”, and after some time check, “what next”.

A month ago, we inside the team were making noise how to upgrade the Knowledge Base so that we wouldn’t pull every day the service departments or each other for nothing. Time eaters were our main goal. Now a distance factor has been added to the time factor. It is impossible to reach with your feet, ask for something, find out and get the usual service right there. And what to do when you suddenly became a remoter ...

Call at the front desk? Tire an IT specialist with the question “when will you do” in all instant messengers? To throw in the AXO a footcloth of scattered letters on a corporate box? To be discouraged and not to ask anyone about anything, maybe it will not come in handy? There are plenty of options for paralyzing the work of those who are still holding defenses and are physically in the office.

While we get corporate services without nerves. This helps its own service desk solution. We are implementing it for our customers, constantly updating our cloud software for new coronaviruses and challenges.

Here I’ll immediately take another “out of the box” telegram, hangouts, zoom ... All of these services are familiar to us.

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We do not know how long this regime will last. But we try. And do not hesitate to share the results of a weekly self-isolation with those guys who still have to. And let us work remotely, all IT processes are still spinning, we do not panic.

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